Page 115 of Sin City Baby

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“Oh, you aren't even going to say hello to me,” Naomi said, rolling her eyes. “Typical.”

“I see you around all the time,” I said.

I went to work making her signature drink because I knew it by heart. That was how often Naomi came in. I poured some cranberry juice in a glass, added the ice and shook it up. Then came the vodka. Classic Cape Cod, or as most normal folks called it, vodka and cranberry. Naomi just liked to be extra fancy like that.

“I didn't know Hadley was a club type of girl,” I said.

“I wasn't,” Hadley said, “but there's a first time for everything. Besides, I wanted to catch up with some of my old cheer girls, and Naomi suggested this place. I had no idea you worked here Jared.”

“Yep, been here for about four years now,” I said. “So what can I make you?”

“Surprise me,” she said, her eyes wide.

I handed Naomi her drink and went to work on something extra special for Hadley. The two of them made small talk, caught up on their lives as I mixed together some fruit juices and top shelf liquor, coming up with something truly unique. It was a risk, but decided it was one worth taking for a girl like Hadley. When it was finished, I passed it to her on a napkin.

She took a sip and made a satisfied “Mmm” sound as she smiled at me, nodding her head enthusiastically.

“This is yummy,” she beamed. “What's it called?”

“How about we call it the Hadley Rose?” I said and tipped her a wink.

“What do you mean? Doesn't it already have a name?” she chuckled.

“Nope. Made it up on the spot, just for you,” I said. “You were my muse.”

Naomi rolled her eyes again, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Seriously, Jared. Could you possibly be any more obvious?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“You're practically slobbering all over yourself,” she said. “And we both know it's to make me jealous.”

“I have no idea what you're talking about,” I said.

Truthfully, I did, but it was fun

to poke Naomi with a stick sometimes. For such a tiny little thing, she knew how to throw a big tantrum. Her temper was legendary and was way bigger than she was. “Come on, Hadley,” Naomi said, grabbing her friend's arm. “Let's go find the rest of the gang and keep Jared's slobber off your pretty dress.”

“It's nice seeing you, Jared,” Hadley said and smiled, nodding over at a group of blondes standing at the bar looking at me with dreamy eyes. “You probably should get back to work anyway. I don't want to keep you from your fans.”

“Sure thing, sweet stuff. Come back to me if you'd like a refill, it's a Walker specialty,” I said with a rueful grin.

We shared a look, her blue eyes locked on mine for a moment, until Naomi dragged her away and the moment passed.

I knew Gabe was still into her, whether he cared to admit it or not. Damn though, she was more beautiful than she had been back in the day – and that was a time when there wasn't a guy in our high school who hadn't fantasized about dating or bedding Hadley Rose.

Most of those guys – a lot of them married – if they saw her now, would indulge in that fantasy all over again. She'd filled out and had blossomed from a beautiful girl to an absolutely stunning woman.

What I wouldn't do for a shot at her. I licked my lips and got back to work, trying not to look for her in the crowd of people. I continued tossing drinks, enjoying the night. Other beautiful women approached, some of them hitting on me. Ordinarily, I'd be collecting numbers and lining somebody up to take home after my shift. But, I didn't find anyone that captured my interest quite like my former friend and girl next door.


“I'm going to take a break,” I shouted over the crowd to Nico.

He nodded but didn't look up from the drinks he was making. I hopped over the bar and scanned the crowd until I saw her familiar strawberry blonde hair through the throng of people. Sitting in the corner, Hadley was surrounded by a group of women, all of them familiar faces. Most of them regulars at the club, but some I also knew from high school too. Hadley saw me walking toward her table and her face lit up.

She slipped out of the booth and rushed over to me, “You off? You should join us!”

She grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the table, and all eyes were on me – not all of them friendly, either.
