Page 116 of Sin City Baby

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“Not off yet, just taking a break,” I said.

“What's that? I can't hear you over the music,” she said.

The music was louder than usual. A live band was playing tonight, and they were going crazy up on stage. I leaned in to Hadley, close enough that my lips grazed her ear lobe when I spoke.

“Not off work yet,” I said. “Just taking a break and thought I'd come find you and say hi.”

While my face was so close to her, I breathed deep, reveling in the scent of vanilla and lavender – obviously either from her perfume or her shampoo. It was subtle and so very sexy, I didn't want to step away from her. I just wanted to stand there and bask in her scent – in the glow that seemed to surround her.

She leaned close to my ear, her own lips grazing my lobe, which sent a shiver through me.

“What a shame,” she said. “Could you at least join us for a drink?”

“Maybe I'll take you up on that when I get off,” I said.

I became suddenly aware of how close our bodies were to one another. Her hands were on my chest and she was leaning into me, her body pressed to mine. While there had never been anything sexual between us in the past – and even though it felt more like we were close out of necessity than actual desire on her part – I couldn't keep the blood from rushing to my groin just by being near her.

“What time do you get off?” she asked.

I cringed. “I close tonight.”

“Another time then, okay?” she said.

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a chaste kiss to my cheek. There was nothing in that kiss that could be misinterpreted – she was simply being friendly. Still, the way her velvety lips touched my skin, the warmth from her touch, was almost too much for me to bear.

My body ached with a sudden and powerful need for her. A need I hadn't even realized existed within me until she came back into my life. I'd always thought Hadley was super hot. Truth be told, she was my dream girl. But for years now, I'd pushed all thoughts of her to the back of my mind. She was back though, more gorgeous than ever, and those thoughts have all started rushing back to me.

Hadley pulled away, and Naomi was suddenly right there. I never saw her, but she must have come up behind Hadley while we were talking, and she had her arms crossed over her chest, a disapproving little frown on her face.

“Naomi? Is everything okay?” Hadley asked.

Her friend didn't answer her. Instead, she glared at Hadley, the frown deepening. A moment later, she reached back and swung her arm with blinding speed, slapping her hard across the cheek. The table of girls all gasped in unison – as did almost everyone nearby. All eyes turned to us as the music played on, most of the club oblivious to what was happening.

“Not even here a full day and already taking other people's men,” Naomi said. “Go figure. And you, Jared? Really? Your friend’s widow? How fucking low can you go?”

Her face etched with rage Naomi pushed her way past us. Hadley reached out and tried to grab her arm, but Naomi shook her off roughly, giving her a withering glare. I put my hand on Hadley's arm and shook my head.

“It's alright,” I said. “She's always a bit of a drama queen. Let her go. Just let her cool off first.”

“What was that about?” she asked, staring at me with big, innocent eyes. “What the hell?”

I sighed. “Naomi and I had a fling,” I said. “It was nothing serious, at least not on my end, but – ”

“She obviously thought otherwise.”

I shrugged. “Not my finest moment, to be sure,” I said, running a hand through my hair. “But I didn't mean to lead her on.”

Two of the women jumped out of the booth and ran after Naomi, leaving just two who stayed with Hadley. Just like they all had back in high school. The old cheer squad might have grown up, but old loyalties and petty cliques still existed.

“What happened?” Ashley asked. “What was that about?”

“Nothing,” Hadley answered.

“It's my fault,” I countered, holding my hands up. “She's mad at me but took it out on Hadley.”

Tara eyed me, giving me the once over. I tried not to make eye contact with her, because we'd already had enough drama for the night. She muttered, “You seem to cause trouble everywhere you go, don't you, Jared?”

Hadley turned toward her friend, then looked at me. She must have interpreted the look between us because her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open, dismay etched upon her features.

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