Page 127 of Sin City Baby

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“I didn't say that.”

“But you will, won't you? Please?” she begged, her voice insistent. “Please. I'm begging you.”

I didn't answer her. I had a hard time saying no when she was crying. Now though, with the small flicker of hope in her eyes, it was even more difficult to do anything but give her what she wanted. Damn, she knew and played me well. Instead of saying anything and agreeing to what was likely a trap, I repeated a phrase that was becoming something of a mantra.

“We'll talk later, but I make no promises,” I said.

I gently nudged her out of the doorway. She grabbed hold of my arm, but I slipped it free from her grasp and rushed out to the porch, running down the steps, nearly sprinting for my car. My heart was heavy though, and until I was sitting inside my car, I nearly felt like I couldn't breathe. I took a deep breath once in the car, however, and it was like a weight had suddenly been lifted off my shoulders.

I started the engine, and even though my insides were twisted and hurting, I drove away, feeling lighter and better with each mile I put between me and Rebecca.


By the time the evening rolled around, I had little desire to socialize. I was wrung out as well as emotionally exhausted and conflicted. Truth be told, all I wanted to do was stay in my room in the guest house and mope. In the middle of changing into my swimming trunks, I flopped down on the bed, face down and naked. I heard the gathering outside, their voices and laughter coming through the open window of the guest house.

It was Hadley who asked, “Where's Evan?”

Gabe said, “Probably in the guest house, crying over Rebecca.”

“Be nice,” Hadley said. “I'm going to get him.”

I rolled out of bed and to my feet. I waited for the knock on the front door, but instead, Hadley just opened the door and walked right in. It wasn't locked, after all. I was in the bedroom, but the door was open. Hadley peeked her head in just as I reached for my shorts, but it was too late.

“Eep!” she laughed and quickly covered her eyes, her cheeks flaring with color. “I'm so sorry, Evan. I should have knocked first.”

“It's alright,” I said, trying to throw on my swim trunks as fast as possible. “When have we ever knocked on each other's doors before? I probably shouldn't have been in here naked, knowing you were all out there.”

“I've somehow never managed to walk in on you naked. What a shame. At least I can cross that off my bucket list now.”

She was joking, of course, but I still couldn't help but blush. No, Hadley had never seen me naked. She'd seen me in my boxers, in swim trunks, but never full-frontal nudity. Until now, that was.

“Don’t worry, I’ll try not to drool over you all night now that I’ve seen what you’re packing,” she teased. I tossed a pillow at her and she squealed. Suddenly, all thoughts of Rebecca were out of my head. All that mattered, in that moment, was make sure Hadley smiled and laughed again. I didn't want to bring her down or cause her pain. All I wanted was to see her smile and hear her laugh – and her laughter was contagious. Not to mention, seeing her new curvy body in a bikini did things to me that made Rebecca an even more distant memory.

Hadley was in a deep purple bikini with a gold clasp nestled between her breasts. With high-waisted bottoms that accentuated her waist line, she looked like a Greek goddess or maybe one of those 1950's pinup girls. Maybe a little of both. Her hair was messy and wavy as it spilled around her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkled with laughter as she threw the pillow back at me.

She turned to leave, shaking her tight little ass as she stepped through the door. I could have sworn she shot me a come hither look over her shoulder – though, I could also have been imagining it. As I stepped outside, Jared came up and put an arm around my shoulder, handing me a beer.

“Forget Rebecca, man,” he said, sounding half-sloshed already. “She don't deserve your time or attention, man.”

“Easier said than done,” I muttered.

He pointed at Hadley walking a few feet in front of us, heading toward the pool.

“With an ass like that staring you in the face, how could you remember another girl even existed?”

I cracked a smile. “She's off-limits, Jared.”

“Who says? Gabe?” he asked. “Just because he's too chicken-shit to confess his feelings for her and won't make a move, it doesn't mean the rest of us have to do the same.”

He patted me on the chest and then sauntered off after Hadley, catching up with her and joining her in the pool. I stayed back, drink in hand, and just watched. It was more than just Gabe's feelings toward Hadley that made me keep my distance. The way it tore Chris and Gabe apart when the two of them started dating was enough to make me really consider the wisdom of getting involved with her. The last thing I wanted was to drive a wedge between my brothers and me.

Besides, Hadley meant the world to me. If she didn't feel the same way about me and I made a move, it could make things awkward. Really awkward.

To be safe, I kept my distance, sipping my beer, just kind of hanging out. That's when Gabe walked up to me. Hadley and Jared were splashing around in the pool, laughing and wrestling as they tried to dunk one another. Gabe looked about as happy as I felt about things.

“He's going to keep trying to get in her pants, no matter what,” he mumbled.

“Yeah, but I think it's more than just the sex with Jared,” I said.
