Page 153 of Sin City Baby

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“I have to get back to the house,” I said. “The staging company is coming over soon, and I need to clean some things out of the spare rooms.”

“Please, Evan. Just a coffee,” she said, pointing to the place next door to Carol's agency. I sighed. She wasn't about to move out of the way until I agreed to it. Either that, or we'd be fighting just as long as it would have taken us to grab a damn cup of coffee.

“Fine. Just a cup of coffee,” I relented. “But, that's it.”

She grinned from ear-to-ear, those side eyes disappearing as quickly as they appeared. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward Cup O' Joe's Cafe and Bakery, and because I was tired, I let her. However, as soon as we stepped into the cafe, I pulled my arm free. She stared at me, slack-jawed, but then noticed where I was looking.

Hadley and Grayson were sitting in the corner, enjoying a scone together from the looks of it. Hadley saw me and her eyes grew wide. Rebecca looked at the other woman, then at me.

“Isn't that your godson and his mom?” she asked.

“Yeah, something like that,” I said. “I'm going over to say hi.”

“I'll join you,” Rebecca said.

She clung to my arm before I could stop her. I tried to brush her off, but she held on tight as we walked over to Hadley's table.

“Long time, no see,” I said. “Thought you up and disappeared again.”

“I did,” Hadley said, taking a sip from her coffee cup. “But now I'm back. What else do you want me to say?”

She sounded slightly annoyed, and she never once looked at me. Only Rebecca. I yanked my arm free at last and scowled at Rebecca, hoping she'd get the hint.

“I was just worried about you, that's all. Everything seemed fine the last time we saw each other.”

My cheeks flushed, and I felt a tightening in my groin as I remembered the last time we saw each other, and what had happened. Judging by the sudden flush of her cheeks, Hadley was recalling that night too.

“Anyway, Rebecca and I were just talking to the realtor,” I said. “I'm selling our house since we're not long going to be living in it.”

Hadley looked over Rebecca, as if appraising her.

“Sorry to hear about that. I've heard it's a lovely house,” Hadley said. “Wish I could have seen it.”

“You still can,” I said, shrugging. “I mean, if you want to come by, I'm heading over there now.”

Grayson piped up, “Can we, please?”

“Uhh,” Hadley looked conflicted, especially since Rebecca was now glaring at her, but it was like something in Rebecca's face flipped a switch in Hadley. “Sure. I'd be happy to, Evan.”

Rebecca reached for my arm - again - and this time, I managed to keep out of reach.

“Alright then. Sounds like a plan,” I said.

My pulse quickened a bit at the thought of spending more time with Hadley, but I tried to ignore it. It was difficult though. Every time I looked at her, all I saw were snippets and flashes of that one erotic night we spent together.


bsp; “We're just going to get a coffee, then we can head out,” I said. “Sound good?”

Rebecca chimed in. “Honey, you think that's a good idea since – ”

“Sounds perfect.” Hadley shot Rebecca a look of pure death sprinkled with a sugary sweet smile.

Maybe I was wrong, but it felt like the two of them were competing with each other. Fighting over me. As weird as it was though, I wasn't complaining. I high-fived Grayson and said, “Great. See you in a bit, champ.”


“Is there something I should know?” Rebecca asked.
