Page 16 of Sin City Baby

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Sam would be the death of me.

“Todd! How did you enjoy your first night out in Vegas?” I asked as I sat down next to Sam.

I could see Liam staring at me, but I wasn’t giving him the time of day. I was going to take advantage of time with Sam wherever I could get it. I had a feeling he liked Sam the way I did, but so long as I could command her attention, I’d keep it.

No matter what I had to do.

“I think my favorite part was you pulling Lauren off the bar,” Todd said.

“I pulled her off a bar, too? Lauren, what were you drinking last night?” I asked with a grin.

“Hey! It’s not my fault I enjoy dancing,” she said.

“Maybe you could make it your new profession,” I said with a grin.

“I think Todd would like that a little too much,” Sam said.

“Different strokes for different folks. Maybe the rest of the brothers could pitch in and get a pole installed in your place, Todd. You know, for after the honeymoon,” I said.

“Wait, can this actually be a thing?” Todd asked.

We all threw our heads back and laughed as Lauren’s face turned beet red.

“I hate all of you,” she said.

“You love us and you know it,” I said.

“I’m not sure you have any room to talk Logan. I’m pretty sure I recall you grinding with a glittered stripper last night.”

“Wait, I thought that was Luke?” I asked.

“You thought Luke was going to grind on a stripper,” Sam said. “There isn’t enough alcohol in the world to get that man grinding on anything, much less a glittered stripper.”

“But Luke was covered in glitter this morning,” I said.

“Because I had to carry you back to the room,” Luke said.

“Oh, my hero,” I said as I fluttered my eyelashes.

Everyone fell apart in laughter again as we continued to inhale our food. It was good to be together again. It had been years since all of us had come together. Holidays involved maybe three or four hours of us all hanging out, but that was it. Nothing like this weekend would be. We all filled our stomachs with greasy food to soak up the rest of the alcohol, and with each cup of coffee, my head began to feel better. I caught glimpses of Sam every now and again, looking up at me or brushing her leg against mine. I kept drawing in deep breaths to keep my pelvis at bay.

If she didn’t stop soon, we’d be in a lot of trouble. “Is anyone up for a little gambling?” Lauren asked.

“Poker?” Todd asked.

“I’m in,” Luke said.

“Sign me the fuck up,” Levi said.

“Count me in,” Liam said.

“What about you, Logan?” Todd asked. “You coming?”

I watched Sam slide out of her chair and make her way for the slot machines, and there was no way in hell I was going to let possible time with her slide by me.

“Set me up for a few games. But I’m gonna knock off some rounds on the slot machines first. You know, loosen up my lucky streak so I can beat your asses into the ground,” I said.

“You’re the worst at poker,” Levi said with a grin. “You’ll be broke before the end of the fourth game, whether you’re playing or not!”

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