Page 221 of Sin City Baby

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“There will be no more fightin’, arguin’, and no more pressure when it comes to Kyra. Our Tinkerbell doesn’t belong to anyone but herself. If she chooses to go back to Landon, we’ll be there for her and support her along the way. If she chooses to share herself with us, then the only thing we should do is count ourselves to be the luckiest men on this planet. Anything more is an offense and anything less is undeserving of our Tink. Got it?”

I watched as all my brothers nodded, their eyes wide while they tried to process all I’d just said. None of them wanted to address what we were gonna do after we all had her that night. None of us had decided if one of us would have her, or all of us. I knew, either way, there would be consequences, but in my mind, I’d rather share her than not have any piece of her at all.

I didn’t know if any of the other brothers felt that way but, in this moment, I needed them to back the fuck off and let Kyra be Kyra. It was her life, it was her father’s life, and it was her decision on her future. No one could make it but her and any added pressure would only serve to take years off the life of the beautiful woman we all cherished.

The woman I knew we all loved.

“Share me with all of you?” she asked.

We all turned our gazes toward her, our eyes connecting with her while I watched her eyes light up. It was the first time that idea had been thrown around with all of us in the room and it was definitely the first time she was hearing the idea from one of us.

“It’s your life,” I said as I pulled her close. “No matter what you choose to do with it, we’ll always be here to support you.”

“Always,” my brothers said.

There was a look in her eye I’d never seen before. Like a bell was going off inside her head. Her eyes were wide with shock and a goofy little grin was spreading across her cheeks. She moved from underneath my arm and stood in front of me, her eyes dancing along my face before her hands reached up to cup my cheeks.

Then, as our faces slowly approached one another’s, the look in her eye switched to one I most certainly recognized.

That look of desire she had in her eyes that night.

It was back.


My eyes stared up at Blake as he made his speech. Did he just say ‘share’? I looked around the room and didn’t see a single one of the brothers protesting what he was saying, which meant they were all either ashamed of how they were acting or they agreed with him.

As Blake kept talking, I felt my heart expanding in my chest. Every single one of them had been so good and kind to me since I got back. Even now, with the fighting and the fact that my father was in the hospital, I couldn’t choose between any of them. I’d never be able to choose one to settle myself down with. It simply wasn’t possible. Yes, they all had their faults in some ways but so did I. I was not a perfect person and I couldn’t expect them to be.

But even with all the fighting and the tension, we were all standing here with one another, listening to Blake speak.

Their compassion and understanding were astounding. Blake’s hold on me was strong and comforting and the guilt in all of the brothers’ eyes made me sick. We were all under an immense amount of pressure because of the decisions I’d made but one thing was for certain.

They were here, and Landon was somewhere other than here.

Blake got done with his speech and I turned my gaze back up to him. Suddenly, I saw him in a different light. I saw him not as the peacekeeper, but as the organizer. I saw him as the rallier. The one who gathered the troops to prepare them to go into battle. Chance might’ve been the brother who had the military background but Blake was the one that could stun a room with his words.

He looked down at me through his glasses and, in an instant, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

I reached up and cupped his cheeks before I pulled his face toward mine. I crashed our lips together, feeling him moan into my mouth while my throat swallowed his sounds. I shivered, bowing my body into him while he wrapped one of his arms around me. His other hand ran through my hair while he kissed me even harder.

The tone in the room shifted and I knew exactly what I wanted.

I released Blake and whipped myself around, heading straight for Owen. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard, feeling his strong, sinewy arms tug me close while our tongues battled for dominance. I smiled into his lips before I made my way toward Chance, our lips connecting lightly before I sucked his bottom lip between my teeth.

He groaned as I nibbled on his skin. I giggled before I reached out and tugged Ethan toward me.

Ethan’s arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. Our tongues interlocked before our lips even met. I could feel Ethan pouring his pent-up energy into my body, pulling me so close that I didn’t think I was going to be able to breathe. His lips cascaded down my cheek and peppered my neck, pulling giggles from my lips before he set me down onto my feet.

I slowly sauntered over to Harper who was standing in the corner, his eyes on my swaying hips. My arms reached out for his shirt.

I grabbed the fabric of his clothes and pulled him into me. Our lips met in a flash of fire and electricity and, in an instant, his hands were underneath my shirt. I could feel him unhooking my bra, peeling it from my body while someone else came up behind me and peeled my shirt over my head.

It was Rowan and, when I turned around, he kissed my lips before he made his way down to my breasts.

I lobbed my head back while Rowan paid attention to my tits. His tongue circled arou

nd my stiffening nipples while Harper nibbled at my neck and I was spilling so fast into my panties that I thought I’d soak through my jeans. Every single atom of my body was on fire for them until it seemed like I’d set their house on fire and burn it down to the ground. Harper’s hands snaked around my hips while the other brothers undressed. Then Rowan took the liberty of sliding to his knees while he slipped my pants down my legs.
