Page 229 of Sin City Baby

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“Well, first, it starts with Rowan talking to one of the best real estate professionals I know,” I said.

“Nope,” Rowan said. “Not a fucking chance. I’m not calling that woman up on my holiday.”

“It was a few days,” Ethan said. “How bad could it have gone?”

“She almost burned my kitchen down when she picked my lock, snuck in, and burned dinner!” Rowan exclaimed.

“Okay, that’s a bit rough,” Ethan said, chuckling. “Did she really pick your lock?”


“Come on,” I said. “This is for Kyra. I promise you, it’s worth it. Will you call her? Please?”

Rowan sighed while all of us sat and looked at him. We all put on our best pouting faces, despite the fact that no one else knew my plan. That was how much we all loved Kyra. We fought and we disagreed. We threw punches and we spat at one another. But at the end of the day, there were three things we could all agree on.

We all loved one another, we all loved Kyra, and we all wanted to make her happy.

“Fine,” Rowan said. “I’ll call her. Now, what exactly am I calling her about?”


I drove Kyra all the way to the hospital but the ride was mostly silent. I could tell she was anxious to get to her father by the way she was fidgeting and I couldn’t blame her. We made her rest instead of going back last night and, while she looked better than she had the past few days, I could tell she still wasn’t happy about the decision. We pulled up to the hospital and she almost threw her door open before I was done parking, but I reached out and grabbed her arm.

That was the first time she looked at me during the entire trip and I could see the fear behind her eyes.

“If something had happened, they would’ve called,” I said.

She nodded in agreement but then tried to pull away from me.

“Hold on. I’ve got something for you.”

That statement halted her in her tracks and she shut her door while she turned her gaze toward me. I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out a small little box, neatly wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon tied around it. Her eyes sparkled at the sight while she plucked it from my palm and I held my breath as she began to unwrap it.

When she popped it open to look at the gift inside, I saw tears spring to her eyes.

“Where in the world did you get these?” she asked.

“I remembered how broken-hearted you were when you lost your mother’s pink diamond earrings at summer camp that year, remember? You came back in tears and Mark had absolutely no idea what to do with you.”

“I couldn’t even talk, my chest hurt so much,” she said.

“You were sixteen and you were an absolute mess,” I said, chuckling.

“They were the only piece of jewelry I had from my mom,” she said. “She never was a jewelry wearer. She always appreciated a handmade gift over an expensive one.”

“I knew I’d never be able to find those actual earrings but I could at least get you a pair just like them.”

Her eyes turned up toward mine and my heart melted. I knew in that moment I’d give this woman whatever she wanted. If she wanted to marry Landon, I’d fucking walk her down the aisle. If she wanted to stay single for the rest of her life, I’d fight off any man who came within fifty feet of her. If she wanted to stay on this mountain and take care of her father for the rest of his life, I’d stand by her side and help her do it.

And if she needed me to share her with someone else, it was worth it as long as I could wrap her up in my arms at night.

“Holy hell, Chance. Thank you so much.”

I smiled at her breathless remark before I reached for her. I enfolded her into my strong arms, pulling her close to my chest as she nuzzled into me. Her warmth cascaded over me like a waterfall, heating every fiber of my being while she sighed with relief into my skin. She tilted her head up toward me and I seized the opportunity, kissing her delicately with my hands planted onto her lower back.

But she pulled away before things could get too heavy and I couldn’t blame her.

“Can I tell you something?” she asked.
