Page 3 of Sin City Baby

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Liam: That dress was new, right? I’m pretty sure it’s better than whatever ugly dress Lauren has you wearing.

I giggled at their messages.

Sam: I can’t wear a crimson red dress to your sister’s wedding. She’d kill me. Besides, I’m not supposed to outdo the bride on her big day.

I got up to leave the shop. It was my last day in Paris and I wanted to enjoy every second of it. My day consisted of editing articles, writing up two more, and trying to get my pictures to look the best they could.

But of course, my pictures were the worst. I was nowhere near a fashion photographer, and even though I’d been gifted a beautiful camera to use for my stint in France, it seemed as if I didn’t have the touch of some of my other co-workers. Thankfully, most of the pictures were salvageable. What I didn’t have in quality I made up for in quantity, so there was always a picture somewhere in the digital roll that could be saved.

Luke: Any goodbye parties to attend tonight before your big leave?

Liam: Take some pictures of those as well. But don’t wear that dress. You don’t want to give those French boys any bright ideas. Best to leave that dress for when you come back home to us.

Logan: I concur.

Luke: Same.

I blushed at their messages as my fingers typed along the screen. Yes, I was conservative. Mostly. But the Anderson brothers? They brought out the wild side in me. The sensual side of me. I didn’t know how they managed it, but whenever I got around them my walls dropped. But, I kept things innocent. I kept things from bubbling over the edge. Between the age differences and the fact that they were my best friend’s brothers, I made myself keep my distance.

If Lauren knew I was into all four of her brothers, she’d have my head over it.

Yet, it was impossible to get over my attraction to them. My co-workers in Paris tried to get me to attend the fashion parties. They framed it anyway they could. ‘Imagine the pictures you could get’ or ‘it’s for work’ or ‘consider it research for your future fashion line’. But parties didn’t interest me. Bars didn’t interest me. That entire scene never interested me.

Or so I told them.

What I didn’t want to tell them was that it didn’t interest me without the Anderson guys there. It didn’t interest me without their presence. My Paris co-workers couldn’t figure out why an American girl would take a month to live and eat and breathe in France and not attend one single party. And I didn’t blame them. Most Americans that did venture to France wanted to do just that. But not me. I stayed in my office and worked, then kept odd hours at night to talk with the brothers. That was the best form of entertainment for me.

I missed them, and I couldn’t wait to see them again.

Sam: Calm down, guys. I’m not going to any parties. I’m finishing up my work, then packing and heading to the airport.

Luke: So, you’ll be on a plane soon?

Logan: Wait, you’re already on a plane?

Liam: No, she’s not on a plane yet. She’s got another twenty-one hours and forty-two minutes.

Levi: Wow. That was specific…

I threw my head back and laughed before I made my way into my office building for the last time.

Heads turned as I tried my best to walk passed unnoticed.

I didn’t want any of the men in the office, even though they persistently hit on me. They’d ratchet up their accents and bring me chocolates and flowers. One guy even memorized my coffee order.

It was hard for them to compete with the way the Anderson brothers made me feel growing up. How they made me feel on a regular basis. I woke up to ‘good morning’ text messages and never fell asleep without talking with all of them at least once. The French men in my office space never stood a chance the second I walked through those doors a month ago.

Sam: I’ve missed you guys.

My gosh, I can’t wait to see them again.

Four little words that communicated so much for me. The thought of seeing them again made my stomach churn with excitement. Gazing into their mesmerizing eyes and smiling up into their faces made me shiver with happiness. And oh, their strong arms wrapped around my body. I sat down in my chair at my desk and closed my eyes, imagining the feel of their chiseled arms around my body again.

Holding me close as their chests bulged against mine.

Thinking about it made me hot for them.

It made my thighs pool with warmth and my body grow taut with excitement. Saying I had a crush on them was an understatement.
