Page 33 of Sin City Baby

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“Because you’re my brothers.”

“Just fucking tell me how she is.”

“No,” she said.

“You’re being a petulant child.”

“And you’re being secretive assholes,” she yelled.

“Lauren, I know you’re pissed. I’m pissed. We’re all pissed. But being pissed doesn't help Sam.”

“No, fixing this does. Which is what you better be doing,” she said.

“Please, Lauren? Tell me how she is.”

“No. If she wanted you to know how she was, she would answer when you called and tell you herself.”

I pulled up to the main office of our construction company and sighed. Fuck. I leaned my head back into my seat and closed my eyes. I called her face up into my mind’s eye.

I missed her.

It made me sick how much I missed her.

“Just tell her we’re thinking of her, okay?” I asked.


“What, Lauren?”

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Do you care?”

“Of course, I care. You’re my brother. I’m pissed off because you guys won’t tell me what’s going on, but I’ll never not care about you.”

I sighed and shook my head before I pressed my hands into my eyes. I had a headache, and I needed to work. To wrap up this damn week and be done with it. If Liam sent the divorce papers in the mail today like he said he would, that meant she wouldn’t get them until tomorrow or Monday. She’d sign them, send them off, and this entire ordeal would be over with. Sam could come home. We could all talk again about that night. Try to get things back to the way they were. Hope for the best.

And Lauren wouldn’t have to know we all fucked her best friend.

“I’ll talk to you soon,” I said.

“Logan, wait. What’s—”

I leaned forward and hung up the call before I lost my resolve. Then I quickly scrolled through my contacts and pressed Sam’s number. The phone rang, and I silently begged her to pick up. But instead, her voicemail came on instead.

“Hey, Sam. It’s Logan. I wanted you to know I was thinking of you. Worried about you. Wondering how you’re doing. Please call me back when you can. Or text. Or email. Whatever makes you comf

ortable, okay? Just please let me know you’re alright.”



“Let me take them,” I said.

“What?” Liam asked.

“The damn divorce papers. You didn’t get them in the mail, did you?”
