Page 32 of Sin City Baby

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“I think we all are. Hell, Logan. I’m ready to drive my happy ass to L.A. and confront her myself. She’s not answering a single one of my fucking text messages.”

“In her defense, you are kind of abrasive,” I said.

“Well I’m sorry, but the situation kind of demands some sort of action,” he said. “She needs her space. That’s why she went up there. She’s choked off in Bakersfield, so she went somewhere to get some fresh air.”

“Los Angeles doesn’t let her breathe,” he said. “It keeps her confined.”

“And what the hell kind of expert are you on that?” I asked.

“I know Sam.”

“We all know Sam,” I said.

“Not like I do.”

“Why? Because the two of you had some fun porch talks as teenagers?”

“What? You jealous she wanted to talk to me and not you?” he asked.

“I’m not here for a fucking pissing contest, Levi. She slept with all of us.”

“And you know damn good and well if she had her choice, she’d choose me.”

“Are you insane? She wants a divorce. From whoever it is she’s married to.”

Levi stood from his chair, and I followed his every move.

“We all know you’ve never had a relationship. You fuck around until you get bored and then move on. Out of all of us, you’d be the worst for her. And that pisses you off,” I said.

Levi stood there, drawing in deep breaths as his hands curled into fists at his sides.

“Give her the space she needs,” I said. “If she’s desperate enough to seek it with her parents, then she’s more than earned it.”

“Fuck that shit. Sam needs someone to help her through whatever is wrong, and I’m not sitting around while she does it alone,” Levi said.

I reached out for my brother, and he jerked his arm, tossing me onto the table. He pinned me down with his forearm and raised his fist into the air as people gasped around us. I’d never seen Levi unhinged like this before, and it was pissing me off. We all knew he had a damn attitude, but this was a bit much.

Sam leaving affected him more than I think even he understood.

I brought my hands up and shoved the asshole off me. He stumbled backward, his ass hitting the chair. I took out my wallet and threw some money down on the table, no longer wanting to be around him.

I’d had enough of his antics to last me a lifetime.

“Get yourself a fucking cup of coffee and chill the hell out,” I said.

I strode back to my car and climbed into my seat. I peeled out of the parking lot, my own rage getting to me. I reached down and scrolled through the contacts on my dashboard, then tapped Lauren’s number.


“Do you know how Sam’s doing by any chance?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you once you tell me what the hell’s going on.”

“Lauren, come on. We’re all worried about her.”

“And none of you assholes will tell me what the fuck you did in Vegas. So, no. None of you get to know how Sam is until you tell me what’s going on,” she said.

“That isn’t fair. If she’s not telling you, why should we?”

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