Page 365 of Sin City Baby

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I wanted that legacy for my son as well.

I knew Stefano was dangerous, but not even that man would keep me from Julia and Matteo. I would do whatever it took to see my son, to be a vital part of his life. I knew I could rationalize with Julia. I knew I could talk sense into her eventually.

But Stefano would be a hurdle.

Especially considering what he had done.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Hmm?” I asked.

“Whatever has got you so troubled, my son. Do you want to talk about it?”

“Julia thinks I’ve changed,” I said.

“So you two did talk.”

“What did you think we did? Stood around for an hour and stared at one another.”

She sipped her coffee and hooked her gaze with mine, and I bit back a groan.

She knew.

How the fuck did she always know?

“Yes, we talked,” I said with a sigh. “And she told me she was disappointed in me. That she never expected me to take my father’s place, and she thought that I had changed because of that decision.”

“Have you?” she asked.

“Come on, Mom. You know my plans. You’re the only one who does.”

“But have you changed?”

“No,” I said hotly.

“Then prove that to her. Carefully, but prove it. Prove you’re still a good man.”

“Wait. Was that an approval?” I asked.

My mother took another sip of her coffee as I set my mug down.

“Are you giving me permission to pursue Julia?” I asked.

“I came down on you hard when I found out. And I never told your father about it. It was the only secret I ever kept from him, and I’m still not sure I did the right thing. But I knew you were in love with her then, and I know she still means a lot to you. So, if my approval will make you do what you need to do as a man, then, yes. You have it.”

I looked at my mother in shock as she set her coffee mug down next to mine.

“Please be careful. Stefano isn’t going to be as easy to deal with as Julia’s father. He took a more diplomatic approach. But Stefano?”

“I know,” I said as I took her hands. “I know.”

“I’m not losing someone else I love to this feud,” she said.

“You won’t have to.”

“You better make sure of that,” she said.

“I will,” I said as I kissed her hands. “I promise.”
