Page 405 of Sin City Baby

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“Every girl always is at some point in time, but she’ll miss you before her lunch break comes around. And speaking of getting rid of things, you’ll never guess how my night went.”

“If this is a segue into another Tinder date, I don’t want to hear this story,” I said.

“Trust me. It’s worth it. This guy I met off there took me across town to that cottage restaurant.”

“The one with the tables and lawn chairs on the front lawn? I like that place.”

“It’s got great food, but I don’t do eating outside,” she said. “But he was insistent. With the bugs. And the grass.”

“Damn those bugs and grass.”

“A beetle landed on my food, Cindy. A beetle. I didn’t even know those things could fly!”

“You didn’t know beetles have wings?” I asked. “Even Lily knows that.”

“Hey now, that girl knows a lot of things.”

“She’s like her dad that way,” I said.

“Freaky shit. Anyway. After I was done freaking out over the bugs, he wanted to take me back to his place. But I wasn’t down for it so he offered to take me back to mine.”

“Which you said ‘yes’ to because you always make sure you’re on your home turf,” I said.

“I’m teaching you well. Anyway, we get back to my place, and his hands are all over me. And I’m over here still freaked out by the beetle like it’s in my clothes and shit. Guess what the fuck happens next.”

“What?” I asked.

“A damn beetle comes flying through the cracked window of my living room and lands right on his fucking forehead.”

I bit back my laughter as utter disgust rolled over Nicole’s features.

“Oh my word. This is perfect,” I said.

“I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. Right on his damn forehead. While he was coming in for a kiss. I smacked the thing right off him, and he thought I hit him intentionally.”

“Technically, you did.”

“He got all pissy at me, telling me how he wasn’t into that freaky shit, and I told him that was a deal breaker anyway because I fucking love that freaky shit.”

“I can’t handle you,” I said, giggling.

“Beetles and no freaky shit? I kicked his ass to the curb.”

“I take it back. That story was totally worth it.”

“Told you it would be. Now, I don’t have much work for you to do today. There are some new things that got dropped off yesterday that need to be unpacked and cleaned. That alone should take you up until Lily’s out of school. I’ll get them on the shelves before I leave, and tomorrow, you can run inventory. Sound good my dear?”

“Sounds good. I’ll get to work.”

The hours flew by much quicker than I thought they would, and I was ready to go get Lily. I wanted to hear all about her teacher and her first day of school. I hoped she made friends and wasn’t too abrasive for them. She had an attitude on her sometimes and could get really sassy if she wanted. I wanted her to have a good time in school, to enjoy herself and make memories and forge friendships she’d have for a lifetime.

Like the friendship I had with Nicole.

“Mommy! Mommy! Look at what I did!”

Lily came running into my arms with a painting clutched in her tiny little hand.

“Oh, did you paint something? Let me see,” I said.
