Page 423 of Sin City Baby

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“Uh huh. Anyway, my plan is awesome so we’re going with it. So we gotta make sure we’re constantly on our A-game. Which means hiking up those tits of yours every chance we get.”

Morgan grabbed my tits and shoved them up, making me laugh.

“Get your hands off me,” I said, giggling.

“If we do our job right, you’ll be saying that to what’s-his-face, too,” Morgan said.

“You’re relentless.”

“And you need to get your mind off the last dickhead you dated. Man you really know how to pick ‘em’.”

I rolled my eyes at her, but I couldn’t necessarily disagree. “Yeah, I guess my bullshit detector needs some repairs,” I said.

“At least we can agree on that. I still don’t know what you saw in that last guy.”

“I don’t know either, honestly. I’m just glad I’m out of it.”

“Come on. I’m starving and the shops are still open,” she said. “Food and shopping always does me a world of good.”

The two of us took a small cab to the other side of the island. We ended up in a quaint little hut that sold the most amazing island food I’d ever tasted. They had whole fish roasted in leaves and all sorts of butters and spices, with fresh-made breads, and crispy vegetables. I ate until I couldn't move before Morgan and I decided to walk around and do some shopping.

Out of the blue, I heard a familiar voice that shot electricity down my spine.


I looked over at Morgan and her jaw dropped.

“No fucking way,” she said quietly. “Is that him?”

I whipped my head around and saw Kevin, walking down the road toward us with his children at his side.

Fatherhood suited him.

“Kevin,” I said. “What brings you to this side of the island?”

“Adventure,” the little boy said.

“That’s a very good reason to come,” I said with a smile.

“You’re pretty,” the little girl said.

“Not nearly as pretty as you,” I said.

“These are my kids. Daniel and Sydney,” Kevin said.

I fluttered my eyes up to his before I crouched down to their level.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Brooke.”

“Daddy says you’re a friend,” Sydney said.

I looked up at Kevin and found him staring down at me.

“Yes,” I said. “You could say that.”

“So can you come over and play?” Daniel asked.

Morgan snickered and I shot her a look.
