Page 429 of Sin City Baby

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“What happened?” I asked.

“Not my story to tell. But don’t fuck this up for her. She needs this vacation. For her book and for herself.”

I watched Brooke’s hips sway as she walked out of the bedroom.

“All done,” she said.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I said.

“Oh, it’s fine. They were really easy to put down. Daniel wanted a book and Sydney wanted a kiss,” she said.

“You’re really good with them.”

“They’re good kids, Kevin. You’ve done well with them,” she said.

She didn’t even question the fact that there wasn’t a woman in the picture. She probably just assumed that I’d fucked up that relationship too.

“I’ll walk you guys out,” I said.

I escorted the girls to the door, but I was reluctant to let them go. I wanted to see Brooke again. My kids seemed to enjoy her, and so did I. The Caribbean night sky hung heavily above and cast a romantic glow over everything. The sand was tinted a beautiful white by the full moon and the whole of the small town seemed illuminated with passion. I reached my hand out and grabbed onto Brooke’s, and her fingers reflexively clamped down around mine.

Her palm was soft and warm, and still fit delicately into my hand.

She turned toward me, her beautiful eyes staring up at mine. I could see Morgan at the end of the driveway, staring at us and watching it all unfold. I allowed my thumb to trace circles on the top of her skin before I dropped her hand, and said her name.

Brooke never looked more beautiful than when she was bathed in moonlight.

“Yes?” she asked.

I drew in a deep breath and decided to jump right into the deep end.

“I know you’re writing a book, and that sometimes inspiration can strike at different moments,” I said.

“Sometimes, yeah.”

“You know where to find me if inspiration strikes. You can use the porch, or one of the rooms, or hide away in the loft.”

“That’s very kind of you, Kevin. Thanks,” she said.

“And if I had your number, I could get in touch with you. Like if the kids and I decided to go to another scenic part of the island. It might help get the creative juices flowing.”

“My number.”


“You want my number?”

“I do,” I said.

I watched her mull over the offer as I held my breath.

I was a confident man.

A strong man.

Dominant, even.

I ran my company with efficiency and never took ‘no’ for an answer.
