Page 54 of Sin City Baby

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“We really wish you would. We can help out with whatever you need,” Logan said. “When you ask, if you ask,” he quickly added.

Levi handed me a glass of water and I drank down the cold liquid. I relaxed back into the seat and dried my tears, and I watched the rest of them relax along with me. The guys were right. I really needed to go back to Bakersfield. My life was there. My home was there. The father of my child was there. Whichever one of these beautiful men that happened to be.

I looked at each of them in turn and rested my hand on my stomach.

“At least this baby will never have to worry about being raised the way I was. There is no way in hell I’m going to treat him or her the way my parents treated, and continue to treat me,” I said. “We all know that, Sam,” Liam said. “You’re going to be a great mother.”

“And you’ll have us,” Luke said. “Always.”

“Are you hungry?” Liam asked.

“Still pretty nauseous,” I said.

“Ok, we’ll just stick with the water and maybe some Ginger Ale then,” Levi offered.

We sat and talked for a little while and thankfully, the conversation was much lighter than it had been in the previous weeks. I wasn’t sure I could handle any more of the drama that had been hanging over my head as of late. It was exhausting, and the pregnancy had me exhausted enough as it was.

As I listened to the guys talk, I couldn’t help but wonder how in the hell any of this had happened. Sure, I had had crushes on all of them for several years now, and sure, I had wanted to be with them all. But for it to have actually happened was something quite different. And the fact that they all wanted me and were ok with me being with all of them, was a shock in and of itself. I wasn’t sure that I could choose just one of them if I had to, and now it didn’t appear as though I was going to have to do that.

But could we really go on like that? Would jealousy rear its ugly head over time? What if they chose to find out which one of them was the baby’s father? Would he stay? Would the rest of them leave? And what about their relationships? And their relationship with their sister? I would never want to be the cause of a rift in their family.

My mind swirled with worry about any and all of the things that could go wrong. Luke looked over at me and seemed to sense my unease. He scooted a little closer and laced his fingers with mine.

“It’s all going to be ok Sam. I promise you,” he said.

His beautiful green eyes and soft smile both settled me and made a heat grown between my legs. What was wrong with me?

I couldn’t seem to control myself around any of them.




I looked up from my desk and watched Lauren walk into my office and shut the door.

“To what do I owe the surprise visit?” I asked.

“Have you guys sorted things out with Sam yet?” she asked.

“Then I guess we can jump right on in. Why do you ask?”

“Stop answering questions with questions, Liam. Is Sam okay with you guys now?”

“Why would you think she isn’t?” I asked.

“I know you guys were practically hanging out with Sam the entire time in Vegas. I know something went on. I know you guys have had the hots for my best friend for years. All of you. I want to know which one of you assholes broke her heart.”

“No one broke anyone’s heart that weekend, Lauren.”

“I’m not an idiot, Liam. One of you—or multiples of you—did something to my best friend. And I’m tired of not having answers. So, talk to me now or none of you will be invited to the wedding.”

“Is the wedding all the leverage you have? Because at this rate, no one will be attending,” I said.

“If that’s a dig at the fact that Sam’s not going, then you’d be wrong. I’ve already talked with her.”

“So, Sam’s back in the wedding?” I asked.
