Page 55 of Sin City Baby

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“She is. As my maid of honor. But she’s struggling with a lot right now and I made her a promise that if she didn’t want to see you guys, I would make it possible so she could stand up there with me. But I’d rather have all of this shit resolved before the big day. Are you going to talk to me now about it, or not?”

“What is there to talk about then? Sounds like you have all the answers you seek.”

“Cut the shit, Liam.”

“I would if I knew what you were talking about, Lauren!”

My voice bellowed across my office as I stood from my seat. I didn’t know who my sister thought she was, but she wasn’t strong-arming information out of me. Until Samantha had her head wrapped around things and was ready to confront Lauren herself, we would all make a barricade around her. Myself and the brothers. I didn’t care how many times Lauren stomped her feet. There were more important things than her wedding and balancing the two was becoming incredibly difficult.

But if it meant protecting Samantha from Lauren’s anger until she could best figure out how to broach the situation, my brothers and I would shield her and lie for her until further notice.

“I saw Sam. I know she’s pregnant.”

I furrowed my brow and watched as Lauren swallowed down her tears.

“I have a very faint idea of how all of this is intertwined, and it kills me that none of my own brothers will talk with me. I don’t know what kind of monster you think I am, but right now? Sam comes first. My best friend is struggling. Drowning in the drama of her life that seems to be attacking her from every which direction. Fix your shit with her, or you’re not going to like how my wedding invitation turns out. Because right now? Sam is being more like family than you four are right now.”

“So, that’s it then,” I said calmly. “If we don’t talk, we don’t come. Am I hearing you right?”

“If that’s really all you see in this, then I’m not sure how I can help you,” she said.

“Well, I don’t see it any other way.”

Lauren snickered before she opened my office door. The guys were standing outside, watching with furrowed brows as Lauren walked through all of them. Parted them like an apocalyptic sea. I saw the sadness in her stance. I knew why she was upset. She wanted all of us to be truthful with her. She wanted us to put the missing pieces in place for her. She wanted us to be honest.

But that meant throwing Sam under the bus. And that wasn’t an option. I sighed and raked my hand through my hair, then inched myself back down into my seat.


I eyed my brothers before they all turned and walked away. Then I picked up my cell phone and called Samantha. I closed my eyes and listened to the line ring out, hoping and praying she would pick up.


I smiled at the sound of her voice.

“Your voice sounds stronger today,” I said.

“The nausea isn’t as bad today, so that’s a plus,” Samantha said.

“So, you’re doing good?”

“As good as can be expected.”

“Do you need anything?” I asked.

“Not right now, no,” Samantha said.

“Are you sure?”

“I promise that if I do, you’ll be the first I call.”

“Well don’t tell any of the other guys that,” I said with a grin. “They might get jealous.”

Her giggle fluttered through the phone and brought a smile to my lips. I leaned back into my chair at my desk and closed my eyes. I wanted to cherish this conversation with her. Especially now that she was answering her phone for us.

“Lauren’s worried about you,” I said.

“I know she is,” Samantha said. “She knows I’m pregnant.”
