Page 63 of Sin City Baby

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“You guys ready to head to the chapel?” Sam asked. “I think I’m due in the bridal suite in about an hour.”

“Which means you’re already late,” I said with a grin. “Hop in. I’ll get you there as fast as I can.”

I raced Sam through town with music blaring through my speaker system. We sang at the top of our lungs, and I stole glances of her every chance I got. Sam was gorgeous in that dress, and I wanted to rip it off her body. I thought about all the things I would do to her with that dress bunched up around her waist and nearly drove off the road. I reached my hand over and took hers, watching as her fingers threaded through mine. She settled our hands down against her bare leg, and I thought I was going to blow through the fucking roof.

I knew if I didn’t get her to the chapel as soon as I could, she might not make it to the wedding at all.

We pulled up to the chapel and Sam went to find Lauren while I joined my brothers on the steps.

“How is she?” Logan asked.

“Seemed ok on the way here. She was laughing, which we haven’t seen her do in a while now,” I said.

Liam nodded. “Laughing is good, but how about talking?”

I shook my head. “Sam will talk when she’s ready, you guys know that about her.”

“But she should be talking with us about everything,” Luke said.

I could feel my temper starting to rise and I really didn’t want to ruin our sister’s day by arguing at her wedding.

“Listen guys, can we just focus on what’s happening today? Can we just get our sister married and let Sam breathe for a minute? We’ve been up her ass for the better part of the last month,” I said.

The rest of the guys agreed and we all went in to the chapel together.

The wedding went off without a hitch, and Lauren beamed with happiness the whole time. The wedding guests filed out and headed to the reception, and I was able to steal Sam away in my car one last time. She had been gorgeous on the altar and I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off her the whole damn time. She outshone Lauren in ways I couldn't even describe.

But if anyone asked, Lauren was the most beautiful woman that day.

We arrived at the reception and Sam took her place by my sister who was greeting guests with her new husband. I watched the way she smiled at everyone and my heart nearly burst. Good God, I loved that woman. My chest ached with the depths of the feelings I had for her. And the thought that the baby she was carrying might be mine nearly stole my breath. That was one of the reasons I had agreed not to find out who the father was, because if it wasn’t me, I thought I might be crushed. I preferred to just dream that he or she was mine.

We got through dinner and the toasts, and then the music started. I went to the table where Sam was sitting and bent low to whisper in her ear.


??May I have this dance?” I asked.

I held my hand out to Sam, and I twirled her around on the floor. We danced for a couple of songs before Logan intervened, and I went to go get her a glass of water. Logan spun her around the floor before Liam cut in. We held her close to our bodies during the slow songs and spun her around during the fast ones. Sweat trickled down her brow, and we had to sit for a break, and that’s when I saw it.

Lauren was staring at all of us with a curious eye.

“Guys, we need to tone it down,” I said.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asked.

I nodded my head toward Lauren, and he eyed her, clocking the confused stare she had on her face.

“Shit,” Liam said. “Okay. Thanks for the heads up.”

We tried to keep the dancing as platonic as possible, but Sam kept pressing into us. Gravitating toward us. And fuck, I couldn't keep my hands off her. It was a constant battle between holding her at arm’s length and wanting to pull her into a bathroom and slam her against the damn wall. There were some group dance numbers where we all got away with dancing around her without touching her, but Lauren’s gaze always found us like a damn tractor beam.

I didn’t give a shit about Lauren knowing, and neither did the other guys. But we knew Sam wasn’t ready to have that talk with Lauren yet, and we had to respect that.

Logan twirled Sam into her seat. She was laughing. Head back. Throat exposed. That beautiful sound filling our table. But soon her eyes got heavy and her body sagged in the chair, and I could see the exhaustion in her features.

“Sam? You good?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said breathlessly. “Just a little winded.”
