Page 7 of Sin City Baby

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“Woo-hoo! Party time is about to commence,” she said.

“Don’t get too drunk before we get to Vegas. I don’t think they let drunks in. They only keep them in once they get drunk.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Leave the jokes to Logan. You’re terrible at them.”

“I’ll let him know you said that. He’ll be pleased.”

“And Liam?”


“Thanks again.”

“For what?”

“For looking out for all of us after Mom and Dad died. I know it wasn’t easy for you. Never has been. I’ve been thinking a lot about them and how things changed when they died, but I want you to know I appreciate all you did and sacrificed for us.”

“Love you too, Lauren. Now get off this damn phone so I can finish up. I don’t want you calling here again and plugging up the line.”

“Don’t you pick up that phone. All of you have this weekend off. I told you to take it off.”

“I’m kidding,” I said.

“And as I said, leave the jokes to Logan.”

I hung up the phone and put the finishing touches on the paperwork. I knew Lauren was excited, and I knew Samantha would be, too.



As I pulled up, Samantha dashed off her small porch and leaped straight into my arms.

Fuck, she felt so good pressed against my body.

“Hey there, Samantha. I take it you’re excited?”

“Where are all the other guys? We have to head to the airport in, like, an hour.”

“I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Are you packed?”

“Yep. Got my small carry-on bag and everything. I’m ready.”

“How was the flight back from France? I was hoping you’d call when you got back in. Who picked you up?”

“I took a cab. I got in really late. Like, three in the morning late.”

“You know you could’ve called me. I’m usually up thinking about you anyway,” I said, winking.

“You’re so bad,” she said as she wrapped her legs around me.

The heat from her thighs tightened my gut as my eyes danced along her smiling face.

“Come on. You can tell me the truth. Did someone scoop you up in France while you were there? Is that why you didn’t want me to come to your rescue?”

“You know I don’t ever need rescuing, Liam. And no. None of the guys piqued my interest. Not that there weren’t any suitors available.”

“So the beautiful Samantha breaks hearts again. You’re just using your writing career to travel around the world and stomp on them, aren’t you?” I asked.
