Page 87 of Sin City Baby

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> “I’m wearing jeans and a tank top with a cardigan, Luke.”

“And you fill it out wonderfully.”

Feeling her lips press against mine sent my heart slamming against my chest.

“So where are we headed?” she asked as I escorted her to my car.

“I figured that soup and sandwich place up the road. I don’t want to take you into anywhere too heavy in case all the smells make you sick.”

“Always making sure things are covered. I’ve always loved that about you, Luke.”

My head whipped over to her as I opened my car door. Did she say ‘love’?

“Could I talk to you about something?” Sam asked.

“Of course you can,” I said as I backed out of the parking spot. “You can talk to me about anything. You know this.”

“I’m worried about Lauren.”

I nodded as I listened to her draw in a deep breath. I slipped my hand over to hers and laced our fingers together and I could feel her trembling. I knew this was taking a toll on her. We were all aware of the conversation her and Lauren had. But I wanted her to talk without me interrupting, so I kept my thoughts to myself.

“I know she’s really upset, but I miss my best friend,” Sam said.

“Lauren needs time. She always does. She’s a hothead in the immediate vicinity, then she has to backtrack and process. She’s like an odd mixture between Logan and Levi.”

“Hell of a combination,” she said, sighing.

“What else is on your mind?” I urged.

“Liam told me he loved me.”

I flickered my gaze over to her, watching her as she studied me.

“I figured he would be the next to come around,” I said.

“Wait, so you know he does?” Sam asked.

“I know we all do. But I know my brothers are stepping in territory that’s unfamiliar to them.”

“It’s unfamiliar to all of us.”

I squeezed her hand before I brought it to my lips to kiss.

“Let’s set Lauren aside for a second. You have to trust me with her. She’s come around eventually. The two of you have been friends for way too long for her to cut you off like your parents have.”

“I’m so scared she will,” she said, whispering.

“I know,” I said. “But she won’t. Lauren’s my sister, and sometimes she can have a very foul temper. But she’s not cruel. She’s taken aback, like we all are. She’ll process, digest, and then come around when her head is level.”

“I really hope so.”

“Well, I know so. Now, let’s table her for a second and talk about what’s really going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

I watched her blush as a small smile trickled across her cheeks.

“You know, this is the most I’ve heard you talk… well, ever.”

“The subject’s important and I have a lot to say about it,” I said.
