Page 99 of Sin City Baby

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“We’ve talked about being there for Sam and all, but we haven’t talked about any other of the stuff that goes with that,” Levi said.

“Like a house,” Logan said. “You know, so we can all live and be around one another and the baby.”

“Yep. And a birth plan,” Luke said. “How do you want to have the baby, Sam?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s slow down a second,” Samantha said.

“We told you we were going to help you with your new life plan, so that’s what we’re doing,” Logan said.

“Can I at least get coffee in me first?” Samantha asked. “Wait, is this decaf?”

“I made sure it was,” I said with a grin.

It didn’t take long for Samantha to finish her coffee before she cleared her throat.

“I think I want a home birth,” Samantha said.

“You mean, like, in a tub and shit?” Logan asked.

“Yeah. With a doula and a midwife. I don’t know. I’m not a fan of hospitals, and I think that would make my birthing experience special,” Samantha said.

“Well shit. I figured you’d wanna be drugged up,” Logan said.

“The idea of a needle anywhere near my back is frightening,” Samantha said.

“But shoving a baby out of your body isn’t?” Levi asked.

“I want a homebirth guys,” Samantha said. “I want to be surrounded by the men I love most when I bring our child into the world.”

“Then that’s what you’ll get,” Luke said as he took Samantha’s hand. “Whatever you want, it

’s yours.”

“Yep. If you want a home birth, then I’ll start interviewing doulas and midwives. I’ll find the best-qualified candidates, then you can choose who you want at your side,” I said.

“Can I ask a question then?” I asked.

“Of course. What is it, Liam?”

“Did you ever see who you were married to?”

She sighed before she got up from the couch and disappeared into her room. She came back with a manila envelope in her hand and stood in the middle of the room. I looked over at Levi. I wondered how he would react to the news. Out of all the guys in the room, none of us thought he’d ever be the man to settle down and get married.

Would this change the dynamic with us?

Would Samantha favor the man she married over the rest of us?

But before I could voice my concerns, I heard paper ripping. I whipped my head over and watched as Sam tore up the divorce papers as tiny as she could get them before stuffing them back into the envelope. She went over to her fireplace and tossed them in, then struck up a match, and we watched the papers go up in flames.

“No,” Samantha said. “I didn’t see who I was married to. And it doesn’t matter. All I saw was ‘L Anderson,’ and that was all I needed. As far as I’m concerned, I’m married to all of you. I’m each of yours. The mother of your children. The woman who loves you.”

She turned back to us, and I watched as Logan got up off the couch.

“I like that idea,” he said as he bent down to kiss her.

“Me too,” Luke said. “Legal or not, you’re married to us.”

“You are ours, and we’re yours,” Levi said.
