Page 120 of Two Weeks of Sin

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I knew why Marcus changed his mind and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, although, not in front of him, of course. He'd changed his mind about taking a lesson with me because of his oh-so-manly pride. Because to him, I was probably always going to be that little girl next door, and God forbid I teach him something for a change.

Men and their fragile little egos.

He was sitting on the sand watching us, and I hoped to God he could see that I was no longer a little girl. I was a grown woman and this is what I did. I'd been surfing since I was his kids’ ages. My dad was a lover of the waves and had brought Riley and me out here often. Riley was never as interested as I was and never really took to it like I had. She preferred her track and field to surfing. I, on the other hand, was born for the waves and the sand. To me, there was nothing more amazing and magical than being on the water. Swimming, body boarding, surfing, paddle boarding, I'd do any of that before I'd run on a track or jump over hurdles. Put me in a kayak before you put me on a field. Surfing was in my bones and was what I was born to do.

I started off by showing the kids how to body board, starting out slowly and getting them over their fear of the waves. Watching them getting into it made me smile. I'd never felt happier. It reinforced the idea that college was simply not for me. As I watched the kids splashing about, that much was clear.

When we were finished for the day, Zoey asked me, “So when do we actually get to surf, Emma?”

“In time. You have to work up to it. It's not nearly as easy as it looks,” I said. “But don't worry, you'll be surfing in no time. You're a natural.”

“Maybe daddy could come out with us next time?” she asked, her dad walking up to us.

“I just enjoy watching you learn,” he said.

Silly man, I thought. Too afraid to make a mistake in front of me or his kids.

“Are you scared, daddy?” little Zack asked him, staring up with wide eyes.

That was a trick question right there. If he admitted he was scared, Zack might be more fearful too, and he was already a little scared of the water to begin with. That was why we'd stayed close to the shore and I'd stayed with him the entire time.

“Not at all,” Marcus said.

“Then why not join us?” Zoey piped in.

“Because – ” he was trying hard to think of a logical reason.

“Because you're scared. Admit it, daddy, you're scared,” Zoey said, laughing. “We're braver than daddy, Zack!”

Zack just stared at his father, the fear growing in his own eyes. As he seemed to be contemplating the fact that his dad was scared, I could see him questioning whether or not he should keep trying. “Listen, buddy,” Marcus said, pulling his son close. “I'm not scared, I just think Emma has her hands full with the two of you.”

“Not really,” I said and flashed him a mischievous smile to let him know I wasn't going to let him get away with his excuse. “I teach larger groups all the time. When I was in San Diego, I often did classes for companies, and – ”

“I get the idea,” Marcus said, clearly dismayed that I hadn't aided and abetted his excuses.

“So, you'll join us next time, daddy?” Zack asked.

I could tell Marcus was stuck between a rock and a hard place of his own creation. I certainly wasn't about to give him an easy way out. I didn't know why I wanted to challenge his sense of masculine pride so badly, but I did. Maybe it was so that he'd realize I wasn't just some dumb little girl who lived next door to him. Maybe it was so he'd realize I was a grown up, that I had become someone he should trust and respect. Maybe then, he would look at me and see a woman he would want to spend time with. So, I just stood there, my hands on my hips, unable to keep the amused smile off my lips as I waited for a response.

“Sure,” Marcus said, a lopsided grin on his face. “I suppose I have no choice, do I?”

“Great! See you next Saturday then? Same time, same place?” I asked, a wide smile spreading across my face.

“Yep, we'll see you then,” Marcus said. “Or rather, we'll probably see you before then, because you know – ”

“I know,” I said with a wink. “You can't live without me.”


“You'll never guess who I'm giving surfing lessons to?” I asked my dad over dinner.

“Who's that?” he said.

“The Pratts,” I said brightly. “It's mostly Zoey and Zack, though. Their father is too chicken to join us right now, but I'm hoping to change that.”

We were all sitting down for dinner, which was something I missed while I was away. Even Riley joined us for a change.

“Yeah, he was asking about you yesterday,” Riley said.
