Page 209 of Two Weeks of Sin

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He took off down the street and Marie decided that she’d had enough of talking about her ex-husband and so she changed the subject.

“How long have you been working for Madame Osei?”

“A very long time.”

The answer was vague, but she was willing to accept it. She didn’t want to ruin their date with pressing questions. “Do you like it?”

“I love it,” he said easily.

“What do you like most about it?”

“I get to make people feel beautiful,” he said with a smile, turning to look at Marie.

Marie was shocked by the amount of honesty in his voice. Maybe this wasn’t just about sex. Maybe it really was about healing and making women feel like they were worth something. She’d spent so long with Robert telling her that she wouldn’t amount to anything. He’d called her stupid and ugly for so long that she honestly started to believe it. Maybe this was a way for her to finally heal and become the person she’d always wanted to be.

“Are you alright?” Toby asked, glancing over at her.

Marie smiled softly and nodded, taking a breath and wiping a happy tear from her eye.

“I’m just fine, thank you,” she whispered, voice shaking just a little.

He nodded, and reached out, putting an arm around you. “I don’t know what people have been telling you your whole life, but you’re a beautiful woman. I don’t know much about you yet, but I can tell that you’re a lot stronger than people probably give you credit for.”

She smiled and leaned into him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

He just chuckled. “Any time you need a compliment just come to me.”

They drove a while longer until they came to the shore of a local lake. There were people and stalls set up around the water’s edge and a small dance floor had been set up.

“Have you ever been to the Full Moon Picking Party?” he asked with a grin.

“I don’t think I have,” she said looking around.

He got out of the car and helped her out, taking her hand and leading her to the shore. People were laughing and running around, dancing excitedly. Toby pulled her along and brought her to a stand where they were selling cornbread, barbeque, and other comfort foods.

“Oh God this looks good,” she groaned.

They ordered their food and went to a nearby picnic table, settling in to eat. As they did, they talked and laughed, telling each other stories and drinking home brewed moonshine. Marie was loosening up, her mind swimming from the sweet booze. She was laughing a little too loudly, though Toby seemed looser too.

“So I have to admit that I was surprised you didn’t say your favorite part of your job was the sex,” she said, waving her hand idly.

“It’s a perk, but not the best part,” he said.

“I think I’m just used to a certain type of guy,” she said, licking her lips.

“Well, you’re hanging out with the wrong people then,” he pointed out, grinning brightly.

He glanced over his shoulder a moment and reached his hand out, humming softly. “Let’s dance?”

Marie looked up as a Bluegrass band came onto the stage, men with fiddles and a woman in a cute sundress and wild red hair that seemed appropriate for the occasion.

“I don’t really know how to dance,” Marie admitted, standing slowly and taking Toby’s hand.

He led her to the dance floor and grinned. “You don’t have to know how to dance,” he said simply. “Just follow me, al


She nodded almost nervously, her heart pounding as he pulled her close to her chest and hummed. “Ready?” he asked.
