Page 245 of Two Weeks of Sin

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His mouth found mine again while his thick fingers rubbed my mound through my jeans and I ground my hips against them.

“I thought about you today.” He continued to caress me like I was clay in his hands molding to his every touch.

“I thought about you too. It made me tingle.” I hoped my confession turned him on.

“Right here?” He pressed harder on my mound sending pleasure aching through my clit.

“Yes.” The word hissed out as I shuddered with need.

“I thought about how sexy you were last night when you came for me. And how you edged it like a greedy girl. It was hot, Sarah.”

“It feels so good.” I pulled him closer wrapping my arms around his head and running my fingers through his hair.

“I’m going to make you feel good over and over again.” He dipped his head down to where his fingers had been working and bit softly through my jeans, his breath warming the spot and making me moan.

“We can’t do this here.” I knew I shouldn’t have sex in my kitchen for obvious reasons, but he sure made me want it.

He chortled and grinned as he stood straight to meet my eyes. “I know. It would be so good though wouldn’t it? I’m giving you something to think about while you’re in here baking me pies.”

“You’re teasing me and I’m soaked.”

“Mm, then my work here is done.” He wagged his brows and stepped back but I locked my legs around him and pulled him close.

He kissed me nice and slow but I pulled away. “We need to make that list, remember?”

He glanced around the kitchen and shrugged. “You make the list. We’ll fix anything you want.”

“Now who’s spoiling who?” I had hoped he’d help with the list because I didn’t want him to think I was taking advantage of the situation.

“I figure it’s the least I can do for you. You’re agreeing to marry me. That’s kind of hard to repay.”

I put my finger to my chin and thought a moment. “You’re right. I’m so getting the raw end of this deal.” Then I gave him a nudge and giggled. “I’m kidding. I don’t want to overdo it though, so you tell me if it’s all too much.”

“Honestly I have the money to fix this up. I was going to expand the shop but that fell through so I might as well use the money for this.” He kissed my hand. “You and Tani are worth it.”

“Why aren’t you expanding?” I didn’t want him to put anything on hold to try and help me.

“It’s nothing, forget I mentioned it. How about you come over tomorrow night and Tani and I will take you out to dinner? That’ll give you a chance to meet her.” He kissed my forehead and pulled my legs from around him.

“I’d like that.” He took my hand and I hopped down from the counter to walk him out.

I couldn’t help but wonder about his business expansion and decided I’d ask him about it another time. Until then, I’d be happy in the moment and not try to worry too much. My stomach tightened in knots knowing I was a day away from meeting Tani.


Monk and I were finishing up lunch when he decided to tell me he was ducking out early. “There isn’t anything left for me to around here. I’ve already finished my job and we’re all caught up. I even swept the shop.”

“No problem, man. Enjoy the nice weather.” I crumbled up the paper my barbeque sandwich had been wrapped in and tossed it in the trash.

“You should do the same, man. What do you have going on?” He picked up the other trash from our takeout meal and then took a last sip of his drink. The gurgling sound and rattling ice was his cue to throw it all in the trash.

“Sarah is going to meet Tani tonight. We’re taking her to dinner. Mom’s dropping her off at the shop after school, so she’s going to be sorry she missed you.”

“Tell her I’ll stop by the house. I found her some mermaid dolls at the flea market, never been opened.”

“She’ll love that.” Monk could always outdo me when it came to buying gifts for Tani.

“See ya, man.” He grabbed his keys and left, and a minute later I heard his bike crank and the sound of it fading in the distance.
