Page 264 of Two Weeks of Sin

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I sat back in my chair. A headache pounded in my temples while I flicked through the papers quickly. Libby Armstrong. I glanced down at her photo attached to a piece of paper.

There was the best friend I’d be protecting too— the tall and leggy blonde with a sultry smile. I snorted. Abigail Carter. A timid woman with shoulder length brown hair and large frame glasses looked up at me from the photograph. She was small too. 5’3. 125 lbs. She could easily be abducted without a fight. It didn’t help her case either that she looked like a sexy book nerd with those glasses and innocent expression.

I cleared my throat at the last observation. Easy boy, Jordan, if you’re thinking of bangin’ a top US prosecutor’s daughter then you’d better be ready for another kind of war.

“Okay,” I said. “Call him up. I’ll be there within an hour.”


End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

Click Here: Rock Hard SEAL: A Navy SEAL & A Virgin Romance

I was hired to protect her at any cost – but all I can think about is turning her over my knee and teaching her a lesson she won’t forget.

Years of training in the Special Forces couldn’t prepare me for Abigail Carter.

From the moment we met at her Dad’s office, I knew I was royally f*cked.

Smart-mouthed. Sassy. And unbelievably sexy.

Her Dad’s a big shot attorney prosecuting the world’s deadliest terrorists– and someone has placed threats on his family.

I was called on to protect her from the bad guys –but who will protect her from me?

I may be her body guard but I’m tempted to teach her who’s really boss.

She's forbidden fruit, and I know that letting my guards down will mean losing everything – so I’ll have to stay focused and treat this like another battle I won't lose.

Rock Hard SEAL: A Navy SEAL & A Virgin Romance

CUFF ME Daddy: Sneak Peak

CUFF ME Daddy:A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance


If one more asshole decides to pinch my ass today, I’m going to go slap the stupid right out of him!

I caught a glance of myself in the mirror behind the bar while I tallied up for the night. My long, dark hair was disheveled and falling from its clip, my cheeks were stained with patchy blush that had worn from the day’s heat, and my mascara was a smudgy mess. At least my boobs had pulled their weight and earned me my usual hefty tips. Sadly, the men at the bar didn’t always know how to keep their hands to themselves and tonight was going to be one of those nights when I’d have to seriously hold back from grabbing the Glock .28 I had hidden behind the bar.

I’d cut my full-time school schedule short to help out, and there were plenty of days like today when I’d regretted it. My dream was to earn my degree as a social worker and make my way out of the rough side Chicago, but for now, Lu needed me more. Those goals had to be put to the side. For now, my only ambitions involved not being groped by older men, and avoiding vomit on me at any given point of the night.

Talk about an over-achiever, right?

All I knew was that I hated the job most when there wasn’t any muscle around to keep an eye on things. It should have been my brother Scott’s job, as he was the manager of the place, but as usual, he was off doing God-knows-what with his new thug friends. He’d left me and my grandmother hanging once again, and she was sitting out on the floor talking to two assholes that refused to leave until their beers were finished.

If anyone could speed them up without getting their hackles up, it was my grandmother: Luna Jones; Lu to the regulars. She’d opened the bar thirty-five years ago despite being a single mom to my own mother. She had a way about her and could charm the devil with a matchstick when she wanted to. She’d also tell a joke or two, and you can bet she’d out-cuss any truck driver or sailor, all while looking like Betty White’s sweeter sister. At least until she opened her mouth.

My brother was a different story. Scott never really wanted to deal with the bar, but since he was the oldest boy and the apple of Lu’s eye, she wanted him to look like a big shot, which would be fine if he didn’t leave me to do all his work. Truth was, Lu was still in charge around the place, and anyone that didn’t think so was a fool.

Lu had raised us both to be strong and independent and she’d always been a strong role model for me by teaching me strong work ethics and responsibility, but it was harder for Scott. He never had the strong male role model of a father to look up to, which I believe was the reason he got mixed up with the wrong crowd.

Penny, our oldest and most dependable waitress, walked up beside me patting her jet black hair which she’d done up with so much hairspray that there was no denying she’d been around in the eighties. “I wish they’d leave. I’d hoped Lu would have run them out by now.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t lose hope quite so fast. Lu has a way with people that can’t be measured.” I met her eyes in the mirror, and we both glanced behind us to the reflection of the men across the room with Lu. They were both laughing it up, and from the looks of it, their beers were almost empty.

I brushed my hair off my shoulders and fanned my neck. “It’s hot as fish grease in here tonight. I wish Scott would just stay around long enough to fix the damned AC.”

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