Page 29 of Two Weeks of Sin

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“No, Daddy. If I went, I’d want you to go too. I’d miss you, and I need to know that you’re being cared for. It killed me that you had to come and stay here.”

“I’ll be back at the house as soon as I’m on my feet.”

They went back and forth, and I could see that Carrie grew more and more upset by the minute.

“With all due respect, sir, is it that you don’t want to move?”

“I just don’t want to be a burden to my daughter.” He turned and looked at her as she took his hand. “You’ve found your Prince Charming, Ladybug. You should start a life with him.”

“You’re my life, Daddy. You always will be, and I want you to come along. You’re no burden, and things will be much easier for the both of us in New York.”

“If you’re sure?”

“I’ve got one of the prettiest housekeepers you’ve ever seen, and I’d guess she’s just about your age.” I gave him a wink, and he chuckled.

“Can we hire a pretty nurse, too?” He glanced at Carrie who rolled her eyes and stepped away from the bed.

“You two are going to be trouble together.” She crossed her arms and laughed.

“So, is it a deal?” I held out my hand, and the old man shook it for the third time.

“You drive a hard bargain.” He chuckled and gripped my hand.

I met Carrie’s eyes. “The best news is, I think we could get your doctor to do the procedure back in New York. That way we won’t have to wait to relocate.”

She came around the bed and hugged me right in front of the old man whose face lit up with a smile. “You’re amazing, Chance. Thank you.”

“Only the best for my girl and her daddy.” I planted a kiss on her forehead, and we took a seat on the small sofa in the corner of his room. We sat talking and making plans, and I really liked her father. He seemed like a cool guy who had always done his best for his daughter until his health had gotten in the way. With the procedure, the doctor had been sure he’d live a normal life, and that was Carrie’s hope, to see him well again and back to his old self.

I sat listening to them as they talked about what to do with their home and I told them to keep it. They might want to come back home for visits, and when I came for work, I’d have a place to stay.

Carrie’s father had also mentioned that she was going to have to give her notice at Angelo’s, and I realized she hadn’t told the man about her morning. She looked so ashamed as he mentioned it. I confronted her when we left.

“You know, you don’t ever have to tell what happened, and you don’t have to tell him you quit, but I don’t want it to bother you, either. I’m happy how things turned out, aren’t you? And if we hadn’t gone through all of it, if we’d changed one little thing, maybe it wouldn’t have worked out this way. So, the next time you’re feeling bad, just remember that. You were doing what you thought was best, and it turned out for the better.”

“Thanks. It’s just that I’ve never lied to him about anything so big before. I’m just ready for what’s to come. When do you think we’ll be ready to move?”

“As soon as possible, I’d hope. I don’t want to be another day without you. The past few have been hell.” It had taken those few days to realize that I was crazy in love with her.

“They were, but I was so mad at you.” She let out a long breath and narrowed her eyes at me and grinned.

I pulled her into my arms. “You’re not still mad at me, are you?”

“No, but you’re going to have to make it up to me.” She rested her forehead on mine and giggled.

“Mm. That’s going to be heaven.” I brought my mouth to her and knew I couldn’t wait much longer to have her. “Do you have some place we can go?”

She let loose a sigh of relief. “I thought you’d never ask.”


On the way to the car, I couldn’t believe how wonderful things had gone with my dad and Chance. For once in my life, I felt like fate was smiling on me. Maybe miracles did exist.

As we headed out, hoping to catch a moment alone, Lindy called to see how things were going and apologize.

“I’m so sorry, Carrie,” she said as I answered the phone.

“It’s okay; I forgive you.”
