Page 291 of Two Weeks of Sin

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It was probably a good idea that she quit and let me be, honestly.

As shitty as that sounded, it was probably for the best.


Lila poked her head in my office a few minutes later.

“Where did Dr. Brooks run off to?” she asked.

“Hell if I know,” I said with a shrug.

“Do you know when she will be back?”

I shrugged. “Maybe never?”

“Well, that would be a shame,” Lila said, shaking her head. “Because Tyler McAdams is asking for her.”

“Of course he is,” I muttered under my breath. “Send him in.”

Lila nodded and went on her way like the obedient employee she was. A few seconds later, there was a knock on my door and in stepped Tyler McAdams, hobbling along on his crutches.

“Where's Dr. Brooks?” he asked.

“She stepped out,” I lied. “Have a seat.”

“I was really hoping I could speak to – ”

“I'm sorry, she's not here right now,” I said, massaging my temples – a headache was coming on from dealing with it all. Just fucking great. “I may not be as pretty as she is, but I promise, I have more experience and knowledge of medicine than she does. If you have any questions, I can answer them for you.”

Sure, maybe that was a bit rude, but it was the truth. Tyler frowned at me.

“It's not about how she looks, I'm married.”

Not for much longer, I thought as I remembered my morning with his wife, Tracy.

“It's just – I don't want to bother you with all my silly questions,” he said. “I know you do this every single day and it's easy for you. But this is my first surgery, ever, and I was hoping Dr. Brooks could ease my mind a bit, ya know?”

With a deep sigh, I nodded. I hated to admit it, but my bedside manner wasn't always the best. I got the job done, I made sure the athletes got to play again, but I wasn't the warm, cuddly type. “When she gets back in, I'll have her give you a call.”

r />

“Thanks,” he said with a crooked smile. “And just so you know, I think it's awesome that you have her working with you now. I know you're a busy man, but having someone available to answer the mundane questions can be useful. I know a few guys who went elsewhere because of your tight schedule. But I think bringing Dr. Brooks in will help a lot. I'll send guys your way from now on.”

Yeah. Great. Except I wasn't sure Morgan would come back to work for me.


I hadn't ventured very far after storming out. I knew I couldn't just quit – not like that. I needed that internship and I would need to suck it up and apologize to Gavin. As much as it killed me to even think about doing so, I knew what I had to do. I'd come too far to give it all up now.

No, instead of going home to sulk, I just went down the street to the coffee house at the corner. I stared at my green tea and contemplated how I could go about doing apologizing to that pig without sacrificing my values.

As I pondered how to do what needed to be done, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, half expecting it to be Dr. Pierce firing me. With a groan, I answered.

“Yes?” I said, hoping for the first time in my life that it was a telemarketer.

But of course, I couldn't be that lucky. I could never be that lucky.

“Morgan? It's Gavin Pierce.”
