Page 10 of One More Time

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“If my hair tie is on the doorknob, don’t come in unless you want an eyeful.”


“Seriously. There are two beds but nothing separating them. Unless you wanna see me riding Tommy’s cock into the ocean sunset, I suggest you look for a hair tie first.”

“That might be a good picture for my blog.”

“Don’t you dare,” she said. “And were you serious?”

“About what?”

“Not getting involved with Rhett? Even though he’s right over there and hot as fuck?”

“Yes, I meant it. He broke my heart. Even though he’s still good looking, my blood was boiling just looking at him. I wanted to smack him across his chiseled cheek.”

“Not even a bit of hate sex? You could get on top and punch him as he’s about to come,” she said.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you?”

“I’m good at this shit! What can I say?”

“You’re a crazy bitch,” I said, laughing.

“And you’re not crazy enough. Just make sure he knows you’re not playing around. You might’ve gotten lost in his eyes, but I saw the way his eyes raked down your body.”

“No, they didn’t,” I said, a sharp tinge of electricity in my chest.

“Yep, they did. So, don’t go around saying I never told you anything. He might be guarded, but you left that man breathless. He’ll go after you the moment he thinks your guard is down.”

“What should I do?” I asked.

“Depends. What kind of fun do you want to have?”

“The kind that doesn’t involve me breaking his nose,” I said.

“Bummer. Okay, then. You dig through that suitcase for tonight, pull out the dress I packed you along with the matching heels, you get into my makeup, and you go to that dinner with me tonight and show him what the fuck he lost,” she said.

“Now that is a plan I can get behind.”



“I still can’t believe they’re our fucking neighbors! Oh shit. Did you get a good look at Ana?” Tommy asked.

“Not really,” I said.

“Don’t tell me your eyes were only for Chanel,” he said. “Dude. Don’t fucking get involved.”

“I told you. I’m not,” I said. “It was just a shock, seeing that they have the room next to us.”

“That means two things. One, it’ll be fucking easy as pie to slip into Ana’s pussy.”

“That’s only one thing,” I said.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Lost myself in the thought. The other thing is you need to have some seriously fucking loud sex. Make Chanel jealous as hell.”

“That should be her move. I’m the one who broke her heart, remember?” I asked.
