Page 139 of One More Time

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“Yeah,” he said by way of greeting after picking it up on the second ring.

“Titus,” I said. “Eli.”

“Good to hear from you, Eli,” he said. “I was wondering – ”

“This isn't a social call, Titus.”

There was a brief pause on the line before he spoke. “Well then what is this about?”

“I can't find Hannah,” I said. “And I can't find Roy. I'm worried something happened to her.”

“Huh,” he said. “I can see why that'd be a problem. About the girl, that is.”

“Yeah, that's a big problem.”

“What do you want me to do about it?” Titus asked.

I sighed. This was where things were going to get dicey. The last thing I wanted to have to do was ask him for a favor. But, I had no choice.

“I need some backup,” I said. “I have to get to Roy's place and see what's what.”

“Backup,” he said.

I nodded. “Yeah,” I said. “I really need you to do me this solid.”

There was another long pause on the line. I checked my watch and felt the pressure inside of me continuing to build. Felt my blood pressure continue to climb.

“Okay,” he says. “I'll help you get your girl back. But, you're gonna owe me, Eli. Big time.”

“Yeah,” I let out a long breath. “I figured you weren't gonna do this out of the goodness of your heart.”

He laughed. “Get your ass over to Roy's place. Pronto.”

“On my way.”

I disconnected the call and dropped the phone in my pocket Climbing into my truck, I fired up the engine and took off. Fifteen minutes later I pulled to a spot along the curb a couple doors down from Roy's place. There were a couple of lights on and I thought I saw shadows moving behind the curtains in one window. I was pretty sure he was there. Whether or not Hannah was with him, was an entirely different question.

Getting out of my truck, I leaned against the door and waited for what seemed like forever.

Finally, I heard the growl of a motorcycle and a couple of minutes later, Titus was pulling to a stop behind my truck. He took off his helmet and hung it on the handlebars of his bike before sauntering over to me.

“I was surprised you called me,” Titus said. “I guess I should feel honored.”

“I wouldn't,” I replied. “I don't know anybody else with a gun.”

He smirked at me. “Are we expecting a little gunplay in there?” he asked. “Because, I gotta be honest here. The thought of putting down the head of my rival club? It sounds entirely tempting.”

“I'm not here to kill him,” I said. “As much as I'd like to sometimes.”

“Then why are we here?”

“If Hannah's not in there with him, then he might have an idea of where she is.”

“So, you bring me here to use as muscle,” he says. “To intimidate him.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, basically.”

Titus seems to think on it a minute and then nods. “Yeah, okay. I can live with that,” he says. “I can sell that as me making Roy understand that he's my bitch.”
