Page 23 of One More Time

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“He didn’t have a crush on me,” Chanel said.

“Yeah, he did,” Ana said. “Everyone knew it.”

“Well, that’s a bit of a relief,” I said.

“Why?” Chanel asked.

“I figured it was some random guy you picked up here on the ship,” I said.

“Hardly. He was being a creep,” Ana said.

Chanel tried to shrug off her friend’s statement, but my mind was focused on the conversation I wanted to have.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“It was nothing,” Chanel said. “Just some harmless flirting that wasn’t reciprocated on my end.”

“He was fucking pulling her chair closer like he owned her or some shit,” Ana said.

“Could you shut up?” Chanel asked. “You’re making it a way bigger deal than it was.”

“Well, he was! Trying to feel up on you like that. He put his hands on her at the pool yesterday too,” Ana said.

“He did what?” I asked.

“Oh, good God. He rubbed some oil on my back. It was awkward, yes, but nothing more.”

Ana snorted. “Why the hell are you still pissed?” Chanel asked.

“Because he fucking followed us around last night,” Ana said.

“Chanel, is she being serious?” I asked.

“Yeah.. He was annoying, and I was the one who had to step in and tell him to back the fuck off,” Ana said.

“It really was nothing,” Chanel said. “Just some miscommunication and some misread signals. Don’t get so worked up about it. I’m not.”

“Yeah, sure. But if he shows up again today--” Ana said.

“Are you done?” Chanel asked. “Because I’m ready to go rock climbing if you’re done.”

“Rock climbing? Shit, girl. I’ve got a massage scheduled. You have fun, though,” Ana said.

“I’ll go climbing with you,” I said.

“I’m sure he’ll climb something,” Ana said as she got up. “You two have fun. I’m gonna go get my massage and hot tub on.”

“Have fun,” I said.

“Stay away from assholes, Chanel. Even if he turns into one,” Ana said, pointing at me.

“I’ll be the least asshole-y of all of us,” I said.

“You better. She’s gonna have a good time on this cruise. Chanel, I’ll see you for lunch?”

“Maybe. But I will see you tonight for dinner,” Chanel said.

“Good. Love you, girl.”
