Page 32 of One More Time

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“Maybe it’s just someone’s idea of a bad joke?” I tried to reason.

“I don’t think so Chanel. I think that you need to be careful, and keep your head on a damn swivel,” Ana said as she poured herself some juice.

“So, now I’m going to be a prisoner on the damn ship for the rest of the week?” I said, my fear slowly morphing to anger.

“Listen, there is security on the boat for a reason, give them the note, and try to enjoy yourself. I think we’ve pulled up to the first island,” Ana said, looking out the sliding glass doors, as we felt the ship stop moving.

“I’m not giving this note to anyone,” I said.

“Why the hell not?” she asked.

“Because giving whoever wrote this the attention is not going to help. If I ignore it, whoever it is will go away. Not to mention, the last thing I need is to field questions about Rhett and me. What we’re doing is fun. Nothing more. We don’t have to draw attention to ourselves like you do.”

“I’d be hurt if I actually bought the bullshit you were selling. You have my opinion. If this is serious, we need to hand it off to a guard to take care of. If you don’t think it’s serious, and you want to keep it under wraps, then let’s eat, get off this damn ship, and go spend a lot of money doing something fun,” she said.

We quickly ate breakfast and got dressed for our day on the island. I tried to push everything off to the side as I shoved the note under my pillow. Out of sight, out of mind. That was how I operated. If I didn’t have to see it, then I could act like it didn’t exist.

“Ready?” Ana asked.

“Ready,” I said.

We linked arms and started for the doors of the ship. My eyes looked around, trying to find Rhett as we disembarked. The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. The waves were beating against the docks, sounding our arrival as we poured into the small island town. The smells of food wafted down the streets, and all the kiosks for tourists were open for business. I was disappointed when I didn’t see Rhett as we got off the ship, but there was one person I did see.

I saw Luke, staring at Ana and me from across the street as we darted into a store.

We walked around the island, taking everything in and talking with the locals. I kept my eyes on a swivel for Luke, but I didn’t see him again that afternoon. Ana and I purchased a few souvenirs and took lots of pictures. Then we hopped on a bus and made our way to the island lagoon.

It was a beautiful place with a waterfall pouring over the edge of the cliff. People were wadin

g in it and sunbathing along it, but most were simply taking pictures of it. Ana and I placed our stuff down in a safe spot, took off our clothes, and then waded out into the water near the falls in our bathing suits. We danced in the falling water and explored the cave behind it, finding sparkling rocks and natural quartz to take back with us. I couldn’t get over the beauty of this island, how innocent and full of life it was. Lizards were running along the ground, and fish were gathered in schools all over the place.

It took my breath away, and I was glad I got to share it with my best friend.

“Wanna take some pictures?” Ana asked.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

We snapped pictures of ourselves underneath the waterfall. We jumped, and we posed. We leaped into the water and splashed around with one another. It was the perfect way to get my mind off everything that was going on. The letter. The unanswered feelings with Rhett. The way my body burned for him whenever I was in his presence.

I was thankful for the day I had as we climbed out of the water and gathered up our stuff.

“What do you say we go try to find the boys?” Ana said.

“The boys?” I asked. “You mean Tommy and Rhett?”

“Yep. Those ones. Ten bucks says they’re playing pool,” she said.

“Wait. There’s somewhere where we can play pool on the ship?” I asked.

“Have you looked at any of the maps or schematics of this thing? Girl, come on. Let’s get back on the ship and get cleaned up. We can stow our stuff away, and then I can go make ten bucks.”

“What makes you so sure they’re in whatever pool hall is on the deck?” I asked.

“Because there’s endless rum punch and barbecue ribs,” she said.

“Yep. The pool hall. Those guys are definitely in the pool hall.”

“Come on,” Ana said with a giggle. “Let’s go find them. I’ve had enough of this island.”

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