Page 47 of One More Time

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“No, it’s our word,” he said. “I heard you scream and I saw what he was doing. Couple that with the letters, and you’ve got a solid case, Chanel. We are going to the authorities with this.”

I started to cry all over again, the weight of what had happened pressing fully down on me now. I knew they were right, but I was so damn tired and all I wanted to do right now was sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at Rhett, who was staring down at me with a determined intensity.

“What if he comes back and tries to hurt me again?” I asked.

“He’s going to have to go through me first,” he answered. “I promise you on my life Chanel, he is never going to hurt you again.”

I nodded my head and closed my eyes again. Ana curled up around me and held me close as I cried myself to sleep with Rhett standing sentry outside our door.



“What are your plans for the night?” Tommy asked.

“I don’t know. Might just spend a night in,” I said.

“Seriously? You didn’t explore the island, and now you’re gonna sit on a couch and stare at the water?” he asked.

“You got a better idea?”

“Come with me. We’ll pick up some beauties, bring them back here. Maybe give them a fun little show.”

“No thanks,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You and that dick of yours can go hunting on your own tonight.”

“Suit yourself. Want me to bring back two in case you change your mind?” he asked.

“Are you ever going to settle down?”

Tommy laughed at me as he pulled a shirt over his head.

“Why? There are so many beautiful women in this world. Why settle for only one? For the rest of my life? I could have all of them. I could give each of them a little slice of heaven. I think it would be selfish to confine all of this to only one woman,” Tommy said.

“You’re an idiot,” I chuckled.

“Hey, it’s your life to waste.”

“Actually, I think your life is a waste. It isn’t just about sex. It’s about having that connection with someone. Don’t you want someone who understands you? Who knows you and is there during all the hard times?”

“Nope. I want a woman with big tits and a mouth that could suck the chrome off my bumper,” he said.

“At least you have priorities,” I said.

“I’ll se

e you tonight. Maybe. If you’re gonna be sulking around here all night, I might take her back to her room,” he said.

“Whatever trips your trigger. Have fun,” I said.

Tommy left the room, and I settled down on the couch. Ana had poked her head out the door and told me she was going out for the night, so I needed to be on the lookout for what Chanel might do. I was keeping my ear trained on the hallway in case Chanel decided to slip from her room, but all through the evening and all through dinner, she didn't come out.

The fact that I didn’t know where Luke was bothered the shit out of me. Had he come back onto the boat? If so, how was he explaining the evidence of the beating I’d given him? Part of me wished like hell that I had finished him off in that bathroom, but I hadn’t been able to ignore Chanel’s obvious distress.

My fists clenched and unclenched as I thought back to that afternoon. I’d been sticking close by, but trying not to be too obvious about it. Chanel had said she didn’t need me to follow her, and I was trying to respect that, while also trying to keep her safe. I hadn’t wanted to look like another creeper trying to keep tabs on her.

When I’d heard her scream from inside that bathroom, though, I knew I’d made the right choice. The fear in her voice had given me the strength to pull the metal door right off its hinges. My brain barely registered the sight of her in her tattered clothing, before I dragged Luke out by his collar and slammed my fist into his face. The satisfying feeling of his nose crunching underneath my knuckles almost brought a smile to my face. Almost.

I’d have probably beaten him to death if I hadn’t heard Chanel retching in the next stall. My instinct had been to go to her and make sure she was okay, and that was all the time Luke had needed to flee the scene. My blood boiled when I thought about his hands on her and the fear that he had instilled in her. If I ever got another chance, I was going to beat him bloody.
