Page 53 of One More Time

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“We snuck in on the two of you this morning and caught you guys all tangled up like two little lovebirds in their nest,” I said. “Ana’s never stayed with a guy before.”

“You shut up,” Ana said.

“Is that so?” Tommy asked. “I actually took a first from Ana?”

“You shut up too,” Ana said, slapping Tommy’s chest.

“Okay, okay. Come on, let’s get us some seats. I think the show’s about to start,” Rhett said.

Almost everyone was out there on the deck. The sun was shining, and there were no clouds in sight. The performers were setting up for the show as the deck continued to fill up with people. The bartenders were running drinks in every direction as quickly as they were ordered, and people were sending others off for snacks like pizza and ice cream. We settled down on our lounge chairs as the program started, and I watched Ana reach for Tommy's hand.

I smiled when I saw Tommy take it in his, his thumb stroking the top of her knuckles.

The show was more than I could have ever expected. People were flying around in the air and pulling audience members up for tricks. There were incredible musicians and people doing synchronized swimming in the pool. The show was exciting and colorful and full of adrenaline-laced acts. There was a trapeze artist who had somehow set up his own mechanisms and was flipping around in the air as the boat sailed across the ocean.

There were singers and dancers and colorful costumes. There was a ringleader and an announcer, and the crowd was going wild. The roar was thunderous as we clapped after every performance, and the entire time, Rhett had his hand on my thigh.

It felt good to have him there. His presence felt normal, like it was meant to be. It wasn't a burden, and it wasn't inconvenient. There was something about it that felt right. His hand was massaging my thigh, but it wasn't in a lustful way. It was in a kind and gentle manner like he was reassuring me he was there. It was comforting to feel his warmth against my skin, especially when I knew he was on

the lookout.

I saw his eyes scan the crowd every once in a while, and I knew he was keeping an eye out for Luke. It was easy for me to forget about him when I was with Rhett because I felt so safe. I knew that while Rhett was with me, Luke wasn't going to be able to touch me again, but there was a part of me that wondered if he had even made it back to the ship after the altercation in the bathroom. I hadn't seen him at all since what happened on Curaçao, and I couldn’t help hoping he had been left behind.

At the very least, I hoped he had gotten the message that had been sent to him.

I was in awe of the show the entire time. My jaw ached from being in my lap throughout most of the mind-boggling performance. Everything was wondrous and over the top, and so out of this world. I sat after the show for almost fifteen minutes trying to digest what I had witnessed and experienced. It was unlike any other performance I had taken in throughout the course of my life. I knew there would never be anything like it again, and I was glad I was able to share it with Rhett.

“So? What did you think?” Rhett asked.

“That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen,” I said.

“So, you liked it?”

“Hell yeah, I did. I’ve never seen a live performance like that before,” I said.



“Well, I’m glad I could bring you to it,” he said.

“I’m glad you were here, too, but I’m getting hungry. Is it too late for lunch?”

“I think so. But there’s that little pizza kiosk. I’ve been smelling it throughout the show, and now I kind of want one,” he said.

“Then let’s go get us some pizza.”

Rhett helped me up from lounge chair before we made our way to the other side of the ship. There was a line for the little pizza kiosk, so we stood and waited. My stomach was growling, and I was getting lightheaded. My appetite was finally coming back, and it was coming back with a vengeance. Once we got up to the kiosk, Rhett ordered us a large pizza with all the vegetables they had to offer, and I grinned up at him and giggled.

“You remembered,” I said.

“I remember everything about you, Chanel,” he said.

I blushed at his comment as we stood off to the side. I wasn't sure how to take it, but for now, I allowed it to make me happy. I was trying not to overanalyze things or think too deeply into what was going on around me. There was still a threat looming over my head, and that was why Rhett was standing by my side. I had to keep a level head on my shoulders and not get swept up in the high school romance we used to have. That was ten years ago, and we were completely different people.

But I had to admit that there was still a strong pull between us.

“Can I ask you a question?”
