Page 1 of Her Best Men

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Andrew pulled me off the couch and crashed his lips into mine. I melted into his embrace, feeling the brothers surrounding me. Andrew's muscles were twitching, and his cock was throbbing, and he was aching to be close to me.

As the guys undressed me, happiness shot through my veins. I missed them. More than I could stand.

“I missed you guys so much,” I said in a whisper, trying not to cry. “Thank you for not giving up when I did.”

“We’ll never give up on ya, pretty lady,” Andrew said. “But I know how you can make it up to us.”

His voice was hot against my ear as I leaned into his naked body.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“I want you to show us how you pleasured yourself in all those fantasies as a teenager,” Andrew said. “I think we all wanna see what we do to ya.”

I shuddered at the thought as I took their hands and led them into my bedroom.

I opened my nightstand and pulled out my vibrator. They gathered around my bed, their cocks hard and dripping for me.

I laid down with my legs spread wide, watching as Andrew and Caleb both licked their lips. I grinned as I turned on the vibrator, running the thick toy down my body. I traced it around my nipples, pulling them to hard peaks with the vibrations.

I squirmed as my free hand ran through my hair, biting my lip and putting on a show for them. I could hear their hands rubbing their dicks, their eyes hooked on me as the vibrator traveled closer to my wet pussy.

I traced it around my swollen clit as my heels pressed into the mattress.

I cupped my tit with my free hand, tugging at my nipple and sighing with relief. My juices were dripping, glistening against the hole I knew Andrew was already eyeing.

I slid the thick toy deep inside of me, bucking relentlessly against it as I watched them tug on their cocks. I moaned their names, chanting for their bodies as I felt my orgasm rising up throughout my body.

Before my back could collapse to the bed, Andrew reached for the toy. He pulled it from my body.

"You're so fucking hot. Get ready to come again on top of me, baby. We’ll give you the wildest fucking night of your life."

I knew he wouldn’t disappoint.



“Would you have ever thought them Lee brothers woulda done all this?” Lizzie asked.

“What did she say?” Whitney asked.

“My accent’s not that bad. Git ya ears checked,” Lizzie said.

I giggled. “She asked me if I ever imagined the Lee brothers becoming so rich,” I said.

“I mean, it is a good question,” Whitney said. “I don’t know them personally, but you talked a lot about them in school.”

“That’s because the four o’ them were like peas in a pod. Ya know, always hangin’ ‘round and knockin’ on her door. I’m shocked she didn’t date none of ‘em,” Lizzie said.

“I’m really going to have to work on understanding you,” Whitney said.

“It is a beautiful place,” I said.

I gazed out the window of the bathroom as I looked across the fields. So much had changed over the past eight years. I obtained my law degree and passed the bar so I could practice in the great State of Texas. I was engaged to a man who stood by me when my mother got sick and held me up when I could no longer hold myself up. Michael had his faults, but he had been there for me through the worst of times. When my mother first got sick, he was there to hold me and let me cry. When my mother wasted away from her chemotherapy treatments, he was the one to fly me back and forth on the weekends, so I could bounce between Texas and New York.

And when my mother died, he was the one that not only arranged her funeral for me but paid for it as well.

My mother’s sickness came as a shock to everyone. She had worked hard all her life but had always managed to keep a positive outlook on things. She kept herself as healthy as she could and went on long walks to keep herself physically active. Out of all the things to ail her, cancer was the last thing anyone could have expected.

“You still hangin’ in there?” Lizzie asked.

“The question is, should she still be?” Whitney said.

“Do you guys think I’m making the right decision?” I asked.

“Glad ya finally asked someone,” Lizzie said. “Though ya coulda done it before your fuckin’ rehearsal dinner.”

“Get off it, Liz,” Whitney said. “This is serious.”

“Yes, it is. If ya want my solid opinion, Michael’s a shitbag,” Lizzie said.


s got his good points,” Whitney said. “But I’m not sure they outweigh the bad.”

“He was there through everything with my mother,” I said.

“Them Lee brothers were, too,” Lizzie said.

“They’ve always been there. That wasn’t shocking,” I said. “But Michael? He was shocking.”

“And you like that about him?” Whitney asked.

“I don’t know. Everyone has their faults, Whitney. Everyone. Even me. But that doesn’t negate what he did for me while my mother was dying. All the flights he paid for, and the funeral he helped me plan. When I figured out my mom didn’t have life insurance, he stepped in without a second thought. He paid off the house so it wouldn’t rest on my shoulders and paid for the funeral.”

“If ya like money, them Lee brothers got a ton of it,” Lizzie said.

“I get it. I know where you stand. You want me to end up with one of them, but that’s not happening.”

“Why not?” Whitney asked.

“They didn’t want me when I was younger, so they sure as hell aren’t gonna want me now,” I said.

“You really stuck on that shit? You were eighteen. All of them were fuckin’ graduated. Can’t blame them for not wantin’ to date some immature high schooler. I should know. I did that shit with ya,” Lizzie said.

“I wasn’t that bad in high school,” I said.

“You were a firecracker. Worst I’d ever seen. Everythin’ was a competition, and you were in it to win it,” Lizzie said.

“I didn’t know you in high school, but I can vouch for that, too. When I met you my freshman year of college, you were the same way,” Whitney said.

“Things change. People change. Doesn’t mean any of those brothers want me now. Look, I don’t want to hop into the arms of another man. I’m only wondering if I should be hopping into the arms of this man,” I said.
