Page 117 of Her Best Men

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“Wyatt,” I said, poking him hard. The man slept like a log. “Wyatt,” I said a little louder.

“Hmmm?” he said, not opening his eyes.

“Wyatt, you have to wake up. My water just broke.”

Wyatt sat bolt upright in bed. “What? Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Pretty sure.”

He jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway, rousing all the rest of the Lee boys from their slumbers with a deep yell.

“Katie’s in labor!”

Doors flew open and all the men emptied out into the hallway. Caleb had my hospital bag, Dylan had the soothing music I wanted to listen to, Andrew had the carseat, and Wyatt had the keys. They all ran downstairs and out the front door.

I sat on the edge of the bed, chuckling between contractions, wondering how long it would take for them to realize they’d forgotten the most important part of the equation: me.

I stood up and began to make my way out into the hall when Andrew came charging back into the house, a sheepish grin on his face. He hoisted me up into his arms and carried me out to the car.

“I can walk you know. I’m pregnant, not paralyzed,” I said to him as he put me down on my feet.

“Yeah, well, we’re all a little flustered right now,” he said as he helped me into the car.

Once we were settled into the delivery room at the hospital, and the nurses had adjusted to not one but four nervous fathers-to-be being in the room, the doctor came in to check me.

“Well, well, things are progressing fast,” she said. “You’ll be able to start pushing any minute.”

Three hard and exhausting hours later, our boys, Matthew and Jacob, arrived just six minutes apart. I was completely and utterly spent, but happier than I’d ever been in my life.

I fell asleep a short time later, only to wake up with Caleb and Dylan crammed into my hospital bed with me, and Wyatt and Andrew, each with a baby in their arms, resting comfortably in big chairs at the end of my bed. The tears came hot and fast as the door opened and Hunter crept into the room.

“How are you feelin’ sis?” he asked, leaning over Dylan to kiss my forehead.

“Tired. But happy. Hunter, I’m so happy,” I said.

My big brother looked around the room at his four best friends and his two newborn nephews, and a smile spread across his face. “You done good here, Katie. All of you. You’ve done real good.”

His words sunk into my already full heart and it threatened to burst. I had everything I’d ever wanted and I couldn’t have been happier.

The End

It’s not over! I love my readers so much that I’ve included a brand new, never before published steamy romance: Step Daddy Desires: A Reverse Harem Romance.

Check it out on the next page…

r /> Jude is everything I've ever wanted in a man.




He also happens to be my stepdad.

Of course, he's only my mom's flavor of the week. She'll be through with him in no time.

Which is why, I step in and tell him the truth.
