Page 135 of Her Best Men

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His voice sounded stern, causing me to look over at him in surprise. He took a seat on the couch we'd just fucked on not that long ago.

“For now, we have other matters to discuss,” he said.

“I can leave, if you'd like –”

“Don't be silly, sit,” Jude said, patting the seat on the couch beside him.

“Oh, okay,” I said. “If you insist.”

“I do,” Jude said, a devious grin on his face.

I sat down beside him, our legs touching. Jude draped his arm across my shoulder casually. Some women might take it as a sign of a man marking his territory – of letting his friend know that I was his property. For some reason though, it didn't feel that way to me. It was just an instinctual act and I didn't see it as Jude pissing on my leg to claim me.

“You never cease to amaze me, Jude,” Dominic said, shaking his head as he took a seat in the chair across from us. “Not that it's a bad thing.”

“I owe Ember a lot,” he said, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “Without her, I would have never known the truth about Lydia. She could've taken me to the cleaners if not for this girl right here.”

Dominic held his hands up in a defeated gesture. “Hey, I'm not judging, man. Just amused and maybe even a little impressed.”

“You do know I'm sitting right here, right?” I said.

Dominic winked and shot me a mischievous smirk. Where Jude was stoic and a bit reserved, Dominic seemed all trouble and mayhem. Like a perpetual frat boy always up for a good time. His eyes were dark, rich brown with hints of gold flecks. His jet-black hair was cut incredibly short and close to his head, and he was clean shaven.

I knew that he was a lawyer because of Jude. While he looked professional enough, I'd never have painted him as an attorney. A business mogul, sure. A soul sucking lawyer? No way.

“Sorry, love,” he said. “Anyway, back to business, Jude. Your birthday party. What's the plan?”

My ears perked up. I always loved a good party. “Oh, when's your birthday?”

“The nineteenth,” Jude said. “I figured we could just have you guys over here. Some drinks. BBQ around the pool. That sort of thing.”

“That's funny,” I muttered to myself.

Both Dominic and Jude turned toward me, questioning looks on their handsome faces.

“What is?” Jude asked.

“Oh nothing,” I said, suddenly feeling silly. “Just that my birthday is the twentieth. The day after yours.”

Dominic clasped his hands together, an even more mischievous smile spreading across his face.

“Well, isn't that perfect,” he said.

I narrowed my eyes, figuring he was being sarcastic, and waited for him to deliver the punchline. He looked at me though, and I saw no guile or mischief in his eyes. He actually just looked – pleased. I have no idea what he was pleased about, but he seemed pleased nonetheless.

“I say we do a combined party then. What do you say, Ember?” Dom's eyes sparkled as he looked at me.

I looked at Jude, my mouth open wide. I honestly wasn't sure if I'd be around that long. It was several weeks away, and, honestly, I had no idea if Jude wanted to throw me a party – especially right alongside his own.

Jude nodded and smiled at me. “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea,” he said. “Maybe one of the best you've ever had, Dom.”

“Yeah, I come up with them now and again,” Dominic replied.

I guess that meant I'd be sticking around for a little while.

Chapter Seven

