Page 14 of Her Best Men

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“Glad to see you settlin’ back into things,” Caleb said.

“How’re you feelin’?” Andrew asked.

“Better. Relaxed. This hot tub is wonderful. Do all of the resorts have one?” I asked.

“They do. A couple have multiple ones,” Dylan said. “Speaking of— Caleb? I just thought of a feature that could go in the South Carolina build.”

“We really talkin’ shop right now?” Caleb asked.

“Private hot tubs on the balconies for the suites,” Dylan said.

“Oh, shit. Good idea. I’ll log it away before the beer gets here,” Caleb said.

“New rule. When in a hot tub with hot women, stop fuckin’ talkin’ bout work,” Wyatt said.

“Language. After all, you did say not too long ago that we were in the presence of beautiful women,” Dylan said.

“Oh, he’s a charmer,” Whitney said.

“Women such as yourselves deserve nothing less,” Dylan said.

But even though he was speaking to Whitney, his eyes were hooked on me.

Lizzie came back with a cooler full of drinks. The beer loosened up my body as well as my tongue, and soon the guys and I were talking as if nothing had changed. It brought back a lot of memories. I quickly found why I had fantasized about them all the time as a teenager. Why I was always masturbating to them and wishing they would kiss me. They were true gentleman with just a spark of wolfish nature. Not enough to make them seem like dogs, but enough to make you know you were wanted. I threw back my first beer without a second thought and was sipping on my second one as a flushed feeling of euphoria tumbled over my body. The bubbles were popping against my skin, and the water felt like it was getting hotter. I was relaxed. Loose. Unaware of the worries that still plagued my subconscious mind.

It almost made me wonder what would’ve happened had I stayed, found a law school in the state and stuck by their sides. Would one of them have taken me in? Would I have ended up as part of the Lee clan? I never would’ve met Michael, and that would’ve been a good thing. But would I have ended up with one of them?

The thought ran through my mind all night as our party grew loud.

“You look wonderful in that suit,” Caleb said quietly.

“You haven’t seen me in it,” I said with a giggle.

“I have. You got out to go to the bathroom, and I couldn't take my eyes off you.”

“Now you know how I felt on all those fishing trips we took.”

His eyes darkened as I clamped my mouth shut. What in the world had I admitted to?

“Katie? Want another beer?” Andrew asked.

“Nope. Two’s my limit now,” I said.

“This mornin’ you didn’t drink beer,” Andrew said. “You sure you don’t want another?”

“I’m sure. Have to keep myself under control,” I said.

“You know we got your back, right?” Andrew asked. “If you get rowdy, we got ya.”

“Doesn’t mean I should be,” I said. “But thank you. That means a lot.”

“You’re important. You should know someone’s lookin’ out for you.”

The comments kept coming all night long. Flirting and bantering. Drinking and laughing. It was more fun than I’d had in years, and it came as no shock to me that the brothers would be at the center of it all. Things felt natural with them. Fluid and familiar. I found myself floating around to each of them, feeling their hands somewhere along my body before I floated over to another. It was the first time I’d felt any other man’s hands on my body but Michael’s, and I found myself enjoying their attention and their light touches and the caresses of their fingertips.

But I could tell Whitney wasn’t happy with me.

And I knew I’d hear about it in the morning.

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