Page 147 of Her Best Men

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I simply loved the way he looked at me.

There was a knock at the door, and I hurried downstairs. Dominic was the first to arrive, and I nearly ran smack dab into him as I stepped off the bottom stair. My heard stuttered within me, and his eyes grew wide as he took me in, obviously checking me out from head to toe.

“Wow, Ember -- I'm speechless,” he said. “Honestly, speechless.”

My cheeks flushed, and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I wasn't sure what Dominic knew about what Jude and I had talked about. Of course, when Jude asked me, right in front of him no less, if I wanted to fuck him, he probably figured it was only a matter of time. Did he know it was going to be tonight though?

That conversation weighed heavy in my mind as Dominic gave me the once over with an approving look on his face, and I felt the heat flaring in my cheeks. Thankfully, I heard Jude's footsteps on the stairs behind me.

“Sweet mother of God, Ember,” he said, as his blue eyes devoured me like a sweet dessert.

My cheeks flushed red, loving that the dress I was in had the effect on him that I'd hoped for. Jude hardly ever walked around without an erection, and tonight was no different. I wanted nothing more than to push the birthday boy back upstairs and taste his sweet cock; feel it inside of me. He did things to me that no one had ever done to me before, and I was absolutely mad with lust whenever he stepped into the room.

Tonight, though, it would have to wait.

Nathaniel followed Dominic, and bringing up the rear, was Zane. All three men stopped at the foot of the stairs, and all three of them took me in. Even Zane, surprisingly enough, seemed to appreciate the way the dress hugged my curves – which, to me, said a lot given that he and I didn't have the best relationship.

Nathaniel shot me a knowing smile. Had I not been off-limits to him the night of the wedding, I totally would have hooked up with him. A rich genius with reddish brown hair and an amazing body? Sign me up, please. I would have been all over him – but only because I couldn't have had Jude. Now, I could, and still found his boyish smile too adorable for words. I seriously could eat him right up.

Jude took my hand in his, laying a soft kiss on my knuckles. “Shall we get this party started?”

His blue eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky above. There was a deviousness to the look that made me cock my head, yearning to ask him what he had up his sleeve. But, I allowed him to lead the way, letting it all unfold as he wanted it to, and not pressing him for answers.

The back yard had been closed off for most of the day. Intentionally so, I realized, as I stepped through the patio doors. Garden lanterns hung from the trees, lighting our way, and a roaring fire was going in the outdoor fireplace. A table had been set up with bottles of champagne and chairs for all of us, and Veronica was standing by with plates of food, fresh off the grill.

Jude led me to the table and pulled the seat out for me. He made sure to get me situated and comfortable before sitting down beside me. His friends chose seats for themselves around the round table. Nathaniel sat next to me, Dominic beside him and Zane sat closest to Jude.

“This is beautiful,” I said.

I looked around, taking in the sight of the nicely decorated backyard, turning it into a stunning, moonlit garden. The pool's grotto had water running through it, creating a realistic looking waterfall in the background. The air smelled intoxicatingly of roses from the nearby rose bushes.

“I'm glad you like it, birthday girl,” Jude said, lifting my hand to his lips.

“But it's your birthday,” I said. “And you went through all this work?”

“For you, my goddess,” he said with a wink. “I don't really care for my own birthdays these days, anyway. After a certain age, they sort of lose their appeal.”

“Oh hush, you're not that old,” I teased.

He cocked an eyebrow at me and we both laughed, oblivious to the chatter around us. We were in our own little world and it felt delightful.

Dominic stood and called a toast. One thing I was learning about Dom, was that he loved to be the center of attention, and he always had a speech ready at the drop of a hat. It was charming, especially since Jude was more subdued and reserved, sitting back and letting his best friend soak in all the attention while he watched.

His words about enjoying sitting back and watching floated through my mind. I remembered him saying it would turn him on to watch me fuck Dominic.

It felt so dirty. So taboo. Was it wrong, though, if the man you were with actually wanted it to happen? Dom's speech was already over, I'd completely spaced out and missed it. Too lost in my thoughts about fucking him in front of Jude. Imagining it though, made my panties grow wetter and wetter, and I had to adjust myself in my seat. It still felt weird to be turned on by the idea of fucking another man – in front of the man I was with. It was a concept I'd never considered before – at least, not until Jude brought it up.

The champagne flowed, along with the most delicious filet mignon I'd ever tasted. It practically melted in my mouth when I took a bite.

“So, Ember, when do you go back to college?” Zane asked.

He studied my face, seeming to be taking my answer very seriously. could see him weighing and measuring me in his eyes, and I knew I was coming up very, very short in his estimation.

“Uh, well, I'm not,” I said softly, staring down at my steak.

Jude stopped eating and stared at me. In fact, all conversation around the table stopped and I felt the weight of all those eyes pressing down on me.

“And why not?” Jude finally asked.
