Page 148 of Her Best Men

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I shrugged. “I'm just taking a break, for now,” I said. “Until I can figure out how I'm paying my tuition. It's only a temporary setback. Nothing to get worried about.”

Zane glared at Jude, and I could see the debate between them in their eyes – even though I had no idea what any of that was about. But, I could tell, just from the way Zane was looking between Jude and me, that he was trying to hold him back from something. Trying to rein him in.

“You will be going back, Ember. I'll see to that,” he said. “And since ABU isn't that far from here, yo

u can stay with me instead of living in the dorms.”

Zane let out a breath and shook his head, before he went back to eating.

“I couldn't ask that of you, Jude. I won't ask that of you,” I said. “I'll figure it out. I'm sure there are financial aid options for me. Or, a fellowship since I'm a senior. I just haven't had time to look into it yet.”

“No need to,” he said. “We'll talk about it later, however. Tonight, is a night to focus on nothing but pleasure and enjoyment.”

The rest of the table was eerily silent, and it was awkward. I suddenly felt like everyone was staring at me, judging me for using Jude when in reality, I cared about him. Not his money. I didn't want him to help me. I wanted to figure it out on my own, and I wanted them all to know that.

“I'll figure it out, Jude. Please, let me handle this,” I said, sitting up tall and straight, putting some heat and steel into my voice.

“We'll talk later,” he said. “I value education, and a school like ABU is worth every penny. Consider it an investment.”

“I –”

I started to argue when Nathaniel took my free hand. I stared down at where our hands melded together, then looked up into his golden eyes in shock.

“Let him help you, Ember,” he whispered. “It's really nothing to him to do so, and honestly, you did him a huge favor.”

Dominic nodded in agreement. “Seriously, you saved his ass from that leech – err – sorry, I meant, your mother,” he said. “Tuition would be a drop in the bucket for him.”

My gaze fell on Zane. He was still pouting, but his finally looked me in the eye. His eyes had softened a tiny bit.

“Even I have to admit, you have been very good to Jude,” he said at last.

“Thank you, Zane. That means a lot coming from you,” I said.

He gave me an abrupt nod and went back to eating. It was likely the best I would get from him. Nathaniel, however, still held my hand. It felt odd having both hands held by two different men. I looked between them and there was a knowing look in their eyes – they knew.

Jude had mentioned the fantasy to them, I could tell. Nathaniel, at least, hadn't said anything about it yet, though. My heart raced, and I swallowed, hard. My insides were turning, and I wasn't sure if I was going to be sick from excitement or nerves. Maybe both. This was entirely new to me, and I still couldn't believe that Jude would be okay with it.

More than that, I couldn't believe I could be okay with it. But, even I couldn't deny just how intriguing it all was.

“So what are you studying?” Nathaniel asked.

“Political Science,” I said. “With a focus on women's studies, of course.”

Nathaniel looked impressed. Considering the fact that he was often referred to as a genius by the press, impressing him made me feel good.

“So, you want to be a politician, I take it?”

The entire table was listening again.

“I'd like to impact policies in this country, yes,” I said. “Not sure what that looks like just yet. I may end up going to law school.”

Dominic raised his eyes. “Oh really? I didn't know you were interested in the law, Ember.”

I took a drink, feeling parched all of a sudden, the weight of all those gazes pressing down hard on me.

“It's definitely a thought,” I said. “Perhaps I could pick your brain about applying to law school sometime?”

His smile widened. “You can pick my brain about anything, love,” he said. “Anytime, anywhere...”
