Page 17 of Her Best Men

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“I think I’m going to take my breakfast to bed,” Katie said.

“Whatever you want. I’m gonna start this dishwasher, then I’ll get outta y’all’s way,” I said.

“Goodnight, Andrew.”

“It’s ten in the mornin’, Katie.”

“Well, I’m falling back to sleep sometime today. So, goodnight.”

I chuckled as she smiled at me, gracing me with that sparkle in her eye just before she shut her bedroom door. I heard the other two girls giggling up a storm in the bathroom. Probably listening in on our conversation or some shit. I started the dishwasher and left the room, ready to start the last leg of planning for the reunion.

Then I ran straight into Dylan.

“Checkin’ on the girls?” he asked.

“Yep. They’re all back asleep. Cooked ‘em some breakfast.”

“Hope you didn’t kill ‘em,” he said.

“My cookin’s not that bad, asshole.”

“Language, Andrew. And since I have you here, I want to talk about the family reunion comin’ up next week. Anythin’ you need me to do?”

“Nope. I’m gonna go double-check with Caleb on food. He’s supposed to go shopping after his half shift today. Then I’m gonna talk to Wyatt and make sure no one has RSVP’d last minute this damn time. And yes, I know. Language. Got it.”

“It would be best if you stopped cussin’ all together,” he said.

“Not a chance. Sorry it hurts your dainty little ears, bro. But I ain’t changin’. And before you say anythin’, no. I don’t do it in front of paying customers.”

“Good. Because guests don’t want to hear that kinda trash talk on their vacations,” he said. “What are we grillin’ for the reunion?”

“Figured chicken breasts, an array of vegetables, corn on the cob, some shrimp, and hamburgers.”

“What’s for dessert?”

“Banana puddin’ and Momma’s Oreo Layer Cookie Cake,” I said.

“Perfect. You sure you don’t need anythin’ from me?” Dylan asked.

“I invited Katie, but she didn’t really give me a straight up answer. Make sure to invite her again when she’s feelin’ better. I think she might like comin’. And double-check the time for me. Right now, I’ve got it in my head that it starts at two. Let me know if that’s right.”

“Didn’t you send out the invitations?” he asked.

“I made a damn Facebook event ‘bout it, Dylan. Fuck. You ask me what you can do, then you shit on me for it?”

“Yikes. Someone else needs some more sleep as well. Take a nap before you trot around doin’ all this stuff.”

“Plan on it. Last night was a wild ride, and I’m exhausted.”

“You’re not the only one. Took me three cups of coffee to remember my name this mornin’.”

“Had you taken Whitney to bed with ya last night, she could’ve reminded you of it all night long,” I said with a grin.

“Not my type. You know that. Let me know if you need anythin’ else.”

“Just a double-check on the time and to make sure someone else invites Katie,” I said.

“I can do both,” he said. “And remember, you’re off today. If I see you ‘round that front desk or fiddlin’ in the stables with the animals, I’m tearin’ you up.”
