Page 218 of Her Best Men

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“Cut it out,” I said. “Something’s gotta give and it gives now. I talked with Kyra a bit and she gave me the impression that she wasn’t going back to Landon.”

“Wait, seriously?” Harper asked.

“Yes, but that doesn't mean she’s running back to us. She made it clear she can’t choose just one of us and she doesn’t know if this… thing… we’re doing is sustainable in the long run. She’s made one very important decision that impacts the rest of her life. That’s enough for now. At least, until we can all get Mark home.”

“So, she still knows we’re here for her, right?” Ethan asked.

“Yes, I made sure she understood that,” I said.

“Good,” Chance said. “Because Ethan and I are gonna go over to their house later and start putting some things in place like we’ve been talking about.”

“And I’m getting a head start on freezer meals that’ll be easy for him to eat tomorrow morning,” Harper said.

“Good,” I said. “If there’s anything I can build or help with, let me know. Just as long as we’re on the same page with Kyra.”

“We hear you,” Blake said.

“Loud and clear,” Rowan said.


I woke up early on Christmas Eve with plans already zooming through my mind. The encounter I had with Kyra the other day was lodged in my mind, but Blake’s speech was still echoing off the corners of my brain. One word, in particular, should’ve bothered me to my core. But it didn’t.


Blake had mentioned sharing Kyra and I hadn’t flinched one bit. In fact, while her hands were digging into my chest and my brothers were all making their mark on her, it didn’t bother me a bit. I got to look into her eyes and feel the wetness of h

er body dripping onto me. I got to feel her come around my cock while her breaths panted against my neck. The idea of sharing her with my brothers didn’t freak me out as much as it should have and it had my mind whirling all through the night.

I stumbled into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. This morning, all of us were going to have a breakfast casserole. Eggs and cheese and ham and sausage, all thrown together with fresh vegetables, salt, and pepper. Some of my best thinking came while I was cooking with a mug of coffee in my hand and today was no different. Since that first night we all shared with Kyra, her body bouncing between our laps while we fucked our fill of her, a plan had slowly been unfolding in my mind.

A plan I didn’t think would work at all until Blake used that one word that no one ended up flinching at.

That meant that today I needed to act. I needed to ride the coattails of Blake and Owen’s speech if this was all going to work. If I could get all of them to work together with me to bring this plan to fruition, there was a chance we could all spend the rest of our lives with the one woman all six of us wanted.

But I had to play my cards right this morning. I couldn’t act on an empty stomach and I didn’t plan to.

I chopped up all the vegetables while my mind began to whirl. I sucked down two mugs of overly-sweetened coffee while I tossed everything into two massive casserole dishes. I took out the milk and the juice, just in case someone didn’t want coffee, and, just as I was setting the table, her beautiful presence graced my eyes.

Kyra came pushing through into the kitchen and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

“Tink, why don’t you go wake up all the Lost Boys?” I said.

“No one else is up yet?” she asked.

“Nope, and breakfast is ready,” I said, grinning.

I winked at her and she blushed before she marched back up the stairs. One by one, I heard my brothers stumble down the stairs, tripping over themselves from exhaustion. I knew I wasn’t the only one who had been up during the night thinking and the way they all slinked into the kitchen only confirmed this.

Their minds were going just as much as mine was.

Soon, we were all gathered around the table eating breakfast. The Lost Boys and our Tinkerbell. Her hair was mussed, her cheeks were flushed, and the way she wrapped her lips around her fork was nothing short of lewd. I swallowed my groans and tried to concentrate on what I was eating but I could see Kyra fidgeting in her chair.

“You okay?” Owen asked.

“Just ready to get to the hospital,” she said.

“Well, why don’t you finish your coffee and let Chance drive you to the hospital?” I asked. “I know he’s been wanting to see Mark, too.”

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