Page 230 of Her Best Men

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“Wanna know why I think the Raiders are gonna pull it out?” I asked.

“Why’s that, beautiful?” Chance asked.

“Because Philadelphia is currently second in the entire league for rush yards. You know that’s their specialty. It’s what they use to sneak attack teams all the time. The Raiders are fucking twenty seventh. They haven’t even busted three digits yet in that field. I mean, they’re pretty much even keel on their passing yards, with Oakland only being up by Philly three and a half yards. I mean, come on. Philly’s even got them in first downs. It’s almost a shame.”

I looked around the room and saw all the guys slowly turning their heads toward me and I could tell they were shocked. But what did they expect? I stayed on top of this stuff to talk with Dad about it, but I also wanted to dominate my fantasy football league.

“It’s a shame you don’t play fantasy football,” Ethan said, grinning. “Because I could use those stats of yours.”

“Oh, I do,” I said.

“Wait, when did you start playing fantasy football?” Rowan asked.

“Some of the coaches at the school started a league. I wanted in, so they let me in. But I’m sure they’re regretting it now.”

“Why?” Chance asked.

“Because I’m the current points champion for the entire school district.”

The shocked look on their faces was wonderful to bask in. I honestly wasn’t sure why they were shocked. I’d always loved football, at least, as far as they could remember. I finished off my apple cider while we watched part of the first quarter of the game but I was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that Owen was still staring at me.

“You okay, big guy?” I asked as I turned toward him.

His hand came up and plucked my mug from between my fingertips before he pulled me onto his lap.

I squealed with delight as he wrapped his burly arms around me, his lips planting firmly onto mine as I melted into his arms. I straddled his lap while the game droned on in the background and, even though the crowd was cheering wildly, there wasn’t a sound in the room.

Except for my panting, of course.

“There’s nothing hotter to me than a woman who likes football,” he said.

His voice rumbled my chest, like a heavy train rolling across the tracks. His hands slipped underneath my shirt while the calloused pads of his fingers raked across my skin. I shivered in his lap, pressing my tongue between his lips while someone inched my shirt over my head.

I broke our kiss just long enough to get my shirt off before I went back to sucking on Owen’s bottom lip.

He growled into me while his fingers relieved me of my bra. I could hear the other brothers dropping their clothes onto the floor while Owen’s massive cock grew underneath my hips. I felt Harper press a kiss to my neck before he reached around, his hands caressing my tits to painful peaks while Owen’s lips made their way down my neck.

I felt like my body was catching fire and, in an instant, the game was simply a distant memory.

I was pulled from Owen’s lap by someone before I was picked up into someone’s arms. I looked up and saw Chance, feeling his strong arms around me while he carried me up the stairs. I could hear all the brothers following, shedding their clothes as I was walked into a room. Then, I was settled on one of their beds before Chance’s hands removed the rest of the clothes from my body.

Immediately, Ethan’s lips connected with mine. Even though he was a hothead, his kisses were always so delicate and fluid. Our lips danced together while someone’s tongue plunged into my pussy and I started grinding down on someone’s face. I had no idea who it was and I had no idea whose cock I was reaching out to grab, but all I knew was that I needed to take my mind off things.

Take my mind off this shitty fucking day.

I felt my body quickly reaching its precipice while someone’s tongue worked me wonderfully. Ethan broke our kiss before his cock came into view and I looked down to see Blake between my legs. His hazel eyes looked up at me while his beard tickled the insides of my legs and, almost immediately, I was coming onto his tongue. My juices slid from my body, trickling down my ass crack while I moaned out into the room.

But soon Ethan stuffed his cock down my throat, muffling my sounds as Blake pulled away.

Ethan wrapped his hands into my hair while Owen got between my legs. He shoved his massive dick inside my body, causing me to moan and groan while Ethan pumped harder. I reached out for Ethan’s rippling abs while Owen slammed into my pussy, but the moment Owen threw my leg over his shoulder, I could feel Ethan’s cock pulsing against my cheeks.

“Shit yeah,” Ethan growled. “Kyra. Holy fuck. You feel fantastic.”

Ethan poured himself down my throat and I drank him down, sucking every last drop from him while Owen folded my body to his every whim and will. Ethan collapsed off the bed, panting and shivering, but I didn’t get a reprieve for long before Harper was standing in front of me.

I took Harper’s thick dick between my lips just as Owen began to play with my clit and I knew I was done for as Harper hit the back of my throat.

“I’m coming. Yes. Owen. Shit! Fuck!”
