Page 24 of Her Best Men

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“Just not into her, that’s all,” I said.

“But she’s exactly your type. Got a little innocence about her but ready for anythin’. What’s the problem?”

“I’m not feelin’ it tonight. I’m tired. It’s been a long couple of days, with the weddin’ fallin’ through and all. Gettin’ cussed out by customers doesn’t exactly make for a relaxing work experience.”

“You’re never too tired for somethin’ like this after work. What gives?”

“Caleb. I’m tired. Get off it.”

“Somethin’ wrong, boys?” Delilah asked.

“Just talkin’ shop, hun,” I said with a soft smile. “Enjoyin’ that drink?”

“More like enjoyin’ the view that comes with it,” she said.

We bought the girls a couple of drinks and made small talk with them. Eventually, they took the hint. I paid for both of their tabs, then I drained my only beer and started for the door.

“Okay, Dylan. I know you. Even at your most tired, you’ve been all over women like that. I’m not even annoyed now. I’m worried.”

“You were annoyed before ‘cause I didn’t wanna screw a woman I wasn’t into?” I asked.

“Just talk to me, man. Somethin’ feels wrong here.”

“It didn’t feel right. I don’t know how else to explain it. She’s a nice enough girl. Pretty. Easy on the eyes. Don’t mind payin’ me some attention. But isn’t this act gettin’ old for you?”

“What act?” he asked.

“Look. You got your heart broke in high school. We all get it, and we all feel for you. But these last few years we’ve done wingmannin’ and all this stuff, it doesn’t have the same thrill it used to. I sleep with these women then I wake up and cook ‘em breakfast, but they never stay.”

“Ain’t that the point?” Caleb asked with a grin.

“Maybe for a while, sure. But I’m wonderin’ if I’d like someone to stay.”

“Wait a second. Are you sayin’ what I think you are?”

“Yeah. I think I am. I think I’m ready to find someone and settle down a bit.”

“The Dylan Lee. Womanizer extraordinaire.”

“Hey. I’m no fuckin’ womanizer.”

“Language,” he said with a grin.

“You can tease me all you want, but at least I can let go of high school. You’re lettin’ some bitch that hurt ya once rule all your damn decisions.”

“Hey, I was ready to marry that woman,” he said. “I had this plan to propose when we graduated and everythin’. Found her pressed up against the damn locker room with some nerd-ass kid with a dick half the size of mine.”

“And that was fourteen years ago. All I’m sayin’ is the one-night stands were fun, but now I think I’m ready for somethin’ a little different. Nothin’ wrong with that.”

“Am I losin’ my wingman here?” he asked.

“Glad we’re side-steppin’ your entire issue. No, you’re not losin’ your wingman. Just don’t expect me to keep goin’ home with these women whose names I gotta remember. I’m gettin’ old. It’s not as easy as it used to be,” I said with a grin.

“Well, I’m shocked. Seriously. Out of all of us, none of us thought you’d be the one to settle down first. I think that award went to Wyatt or some shit.”

“Language,” I said.

“But if that’s what you want, I can respect it. Though I’m gonna tease you ‘bout it.”

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