Page 245 of Her Best Men

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The moment felt like it was going to last forever. My hand slowly rose to cup her cheek while she placed my other hand on her hip. Her hands slid up my arms, puckering my skin while her lips slowly moved against mine. Her tongue teased my lips causing me to smile and I pulled her closer to me just before our tongues intertwined.

Then, I set her back down onto her feet and she panned her view across the room.

All of my brothers were standing there, smiling at her with their eyes shining bright. I could tell she was searching for any kind of jealousy. Anything that was going to signal to her that this would become a problem. She looked heavily upon Ethan and Chance before she snickered. Then she shook her head and turned back toward me.

“I’m in love with you, Kyra,” I said. “And I want you to move in with me.”

Her lip began to tremble while the sentiment echoed itself around the room.

“I’ve loved you for years, Kyra, and it would be an honor for you to move in with me,” Chance said.

“You’re the only woman for me,” Rowan said. “Let me wake up to you.”

“I’ve always loved you, even before I understood what that meant,” Harper said. “Please move in with me.”

“I’ve loved you ever since our first bike ride,” Ethan said. “And if you move in with me, you’ll never regret it.”

“I love you with everything I have,” Owen said. “Move in with me. Move in with us.”

She brought her hands to her face to stifle her giggles and I knew we’d turned it around. Whatever fears and hesitations had still been rattling around in her head, they were no longer there. Her beautiful brown eyes crinkled as her body began to bounce with joy and her luscious blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders while she danced.

“I love you all,” she said. “Oh my gosh. I love my Lost Boys so much.”

“And we love our Tinkerbell,” I said.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she said. “I can’t believe my dream is about to come true.”

“And what dream is that?” Chance asked.

She paused and turned her body toward him, their eyes locking before she ran for his body. She sprang into his arms and I watched my brother hold her and not one spark of jealousy erupted from my gut.

Yep. This was the moment we had all been waiting for our entire lives.

It just took one night of vulnerability for all of us to see it.

“I get my happily ever after,” she said breathlessly.

Chance hugged her close before he set her back down onto her feet. She laughed and giggled and we couldn’t help but chuckle alongside her. She was filled with a joy I’d never seen in anyone else before and, soon, she was laughing so hard, tears were glistening at the corners of her eyes.

“What in the world is she laughing at?” Harper asked.

“I’m just now realizing why my father was looking at me the way he was,” she said.

“The hell does that mean?” Ethan asked.

“He was looking at me with this mixture of… of…” She was laughing so hard she couldn’t even get it out.

“Does she need some water or something?” Rowan asked.

“No, no, no. Hold on. Oh my gosh. My stomach. Oh, it hurts.”

I took her arm, led her to a chair, and helped her to sit down. She was finally able to regain her breath while she wiped the tears from her eyes and, soon, she was settling into the furniture that filled our new home. We all sat around her, waiting for her to talk with us, but instead, she simply sighed and closed her eyes.

“This was what you guys meant by ‘Christmas miracle,’” she said.

“Yep,” Owen said.

“If you can’t already tell, I couldn’t be happier,” she said.
