Page 321 of Her Best Men

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When we pulled up to my house, I remembered Julie’s reaction from the day before. I smiled to myself and pulled out my phone. I typed a quick text and sent it off before I could think better of it.

“Who’s that?” Josh asked.

I snapped my head up to see that he was staring down at my phone. He couldn’t see the name on the screen, but his interest was obviously piqued.

“Just some girl I met,” I said evasively.

“And you’re drunk texting her?” Josh laughed. “Bad move, man.”

“Nah,” I said. “It’s not like that. She’s…” I trailed off. I didn’t know how to talk to Josh about Julie. More than that, I didn’t really want to.

“What?” Josh pressed. “Different? Special?”

“Both,” I said firmly. “She’s both.”

“Damn,” Josh said, letting out a low whistle. “Never thought I’d hear you get defensive about a girl.”

“Yeah,” I said. “She’s really something. Honestly, I can’t stop thinking about her.”

“I want to meet her,” Josh said. He slapped my shoulder in a very older-brotherly way, but my insides froze solid. The last thing I wanted was for Josh and Julie to meet.

“Not yet,” I said. “I don’t know how serious things are yet.”

“Well,” Josh said. “Whenever you’re ready.”



My nerves were fried by the time I fell into bed on Monday night. The Skype interview went well. My potential boss, Meghan, asked all the right questions, and I gave my best answers. When we said goodbye, I felt confident. As the day dragged on, that confidence faded to nothing. I was left in a puddle of anxiety with no way to calm myself.

The job wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t my dream job by any standards, but it was exactly what I needed right now. The ability to write from home, to maintain an online presence even while living in Ennis, was the best I could possibly hope for. I hated the idea that I might not get the job. As I laid in bed on Monday night, I told myself to relax.

“Whatever happens, happens,” I whispered as I rolled onto my side and squeezed my eyes shut.

Not two minutes later, my phone buzzed beside me. I frowned and grabbed it. Who would be texting me so late at night?

Michael’s name flashed across the screen, accompanied by an unread message notification. I smiled and opened the text.

“Hey you,” it said. “Just thinking about you. Hope your interview went well.”

Warmth fluttered through my chest. I grinned and laid my phone back down. It was too late to respond. I knew if I did, I’d never get to sleep.

Still, Michael stayed in my thoughts as I drifted off. He occupied all my dreams that night, making me wake up the next morning in a much lighter mood. I was still smiling when the sun rose. I still couldn’t believe he’d had this effect on me. I hadn’t been single for that long and here I was, hooking up with someone new. No, it was more than hooking up, wasn’t it? I got out of bed and tried to keep myself busy before I drove myself nuts.

The morning seemed to never end. Meghan said she’d call today, but she didn’t say when. I dreaded the idea of waiting by the phone all day. Instead, I jumped in the shower, made myself some breakfast, got dressed, and went for a walk. I was halfway to the town square when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

My stomach dropped when I saw Meghan’s number on the screen.

“Holy shit,” I said to myself. I shook my head roughly before I answered. “Hello? This is Julie Black.”

“Julie!” Meghan said with enthusiasm. “I’m so glad I caught you this morning.”

“Meghan,” I said. “It’s great to hear from you.”

“Well,” Meghan said. “I have good news. The job is yours if you still want it.”

“Of course!” I said, excitement dripping from my voice. “That’s amazing!”
