Page 335 of Her Best Men

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We had collided like animals the night before, but it was the most intensely intimate experience of my life. When I saw her naked breasts, I couldn’t help but want to relive every moment of the previous night.

“I thought you wanted to eat,” Julie said, shooting me a sly grin as she grabbed a muffin off the cart.

“I do,” I said roughly. “Just not breakfast.”

Julie took a bite of the muffin but kept her eyes locked on mine. My skin felt hot as I climbed back on the bed beside her. We were so close that my heart began to pound in my chest. My hangover was forgotten. All I wanted was Julie.

“Are you going to kiss me or not?” she asked softly, putting the muffin back down.

I grinned and moved closer. Our lips were inches apart when my phone rang sharply on the bedside table. I dropped my head to my chest and groaned.

“Not now,” I mumbled.

“Work?” Julie asked.


I grabbed the phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID.


“Hey, brother.” Josh’s voice fill

ed my ear, and I blinked.

“Hey,” I said. “I didn’t expect to hear from you today.”

“I thought we could plan dinner,” Josh said. “You said I could meet this mystery girl sometime soon.”

As he spoke, memories from the party came flooding back. Josh texting me about meeting my new girlfriend. Julie agreeing to meet him. Me agreeing to the whole thing.

“Oh,” I said. “Right.”

“So,” Josh said. “What about tomorrow night? Does that work for you guys?”

“Um.” I looked at Julie nervously. She was watching me closely, a confused frown on her face. “Do you want to have dinner with my brother tomorrow night?”

“Sure,” Julie said, looking a little surprised. “It’s fine with me.”

“She said yes,” I told Josh.

“Great!” Josh said. “Well, I’ll text you the details.”

“Sounds good.”

We said a quick goodbye, and I tossed the phone on the bed. My arousal was gone and in its place was a huge ball of nervous energy. I was sure this dinner was a bad idea, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it now.

“You okay?” Julie asked.

“I’m fine,” I said too quickly. “Just still fighting this damn headache.”

Julie nodded and grabbed her muffin again. She nibbled on it slowly as she stared out of the half-open window. I watched her for a few seconds and realized I wasn’t the only one feeling nervous about dinner.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I’m a little nervous,” Julie said with a sigh. “Meeting the brother. It’s kind of a big deal.”

I took her hand and squeezed it. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want,” I told her, trying to keep my voice even. I’m not sure why I even agreed to it to begin with.
