Page 392 of Her Best Men

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“You do,” he said, sipping his beer. “But you also need to come to terms with it and make some decisions.”

I sighed, running a hand through my greasy hair. It had been far too long since I'd seen a shower, and I probably smelled rank. My diet consisted of beer and booze these days. I couldn't even recall the last time I'd had a real meal. Probably Shannon's meatloaf, the night she died.

“This about the band?”

“Not just the band, but everything,” he said. “The ranch. Your music. Your life. We're worried sick about you, man.”

“I'll be fine,” I said.

“Look I know I’m coming across as a dick by asking, but I need to know. Just give me something. Do you intend to keep playing music?” he asked, side-eyeing me. We have shows lined up still, Drake.”

“I know,” I said, taking a long pull from the bottle. “I'll be ready for them.”

“You will?” he asked, the surprise in his voice evident. “You're gonna keep playing and singing?”

I shrugged. “I have to. I need to pay for Elsie's care. I don’t want my Mom working night shift anymore.” I said. “And besides, music is how I deal with shit.”

Elsie was my one and only sibling. She had autism and needed specialized care to help her manage. My mother had been struggling to pay for her care over the years, but she was getting too old now. We’d also talked about arranging for Elsie to move in with me, now that I was living alone. She’d always loved growing in our dad’s farm. It brought the both of us peace to be here.

Landon nodded, looking pleased with that answer. “Glad to hear it,” he said. “I know your fans will be happy to see you back on stage too.”

“I'm not doing it for them.”

“What about the ranch?” he asked. “I can get my sister out here. She's a realtor you know.”

“I'm keeping it,” I said. “Shannon and Ava loved this place. And, Elsie is moving in with me so I can look after her. We need the space.”

“I'm glad you won't be alone,” Landon said.

Later that night, I sat down with my guitar and started writing a new song, one that had been playing in my head for days now. It wasn’t my usual up beat style. I let my pain come out through my words, the chords providing the backdrop, and let it all out.

Music was my therapy. Always had been. I knew it was going to be the only thing that kept me going.

If it hadn't been for Elsie, my sister, I might have done something stupid. I might have ended it right

then to be with Ava and Shannon once again. I couldn't do that to my sister though, she needed me.

So instead of ending my life, I put all those feelings into my music.



The stadium was filled with thousands upon thousands of screaming fans, all of them chanting my name as I stepped out onto the stage. No longer did I play the guitar, Stone handled that. I was the front man, the singer, the voice of the operation. Landon was still on drums, hammering out beats just like he had back before we were household names.

The song playing was for Shannon and Ava, and most of our fan base knew the story behind it. My music was raw and often painful. My torment came out in almost all the songs - at least the verses I wrote and had control over.

I was no longer the man I once was. I’d shut the door to that poor bastard years ago. The only time he came around was when I sang these songs. It was my own version of torment.

I sure as hell deserved it.

I stared out at the audience, tears welling in my eyes as I saw the same hallucination I’d often see in my opening act. It was of Shannon smiling back at me. Long, blonde hair and vibrant sapphire blue eyes, and a sweet smile. It was like she was there with me, Ava in her arms, swaying to the song I wrote just for them.

Just like always, I fought back the tears. It has been four years since they passed, and I had the same emptiness inside. I finished the song, and I already knew what came next.

We sang the melodies most of our fans came to hear from us, the ones Hank insisted we put on the album. I reached for my first beer of the night, popping the tab and downing it to a crowd of cheers, as Landon and Stone played the backup music to one of our greatest hits.

I needed the alcohol to get through this song and the others that followed.

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