Page 53 of Her Best Men

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“Just be careful,” Whitney said.

“I’m not ready to settle back down, I know,” I said.

“Not what I meant. With the little time I spent around them, especially with that hot tub party, I can tell none of them are settling down material. Maybe Wyatt, if you squint one eye and close the other. But they’re wild men. This is right up their alley, but marriage isn’t,” Whitney said.

“I don’t know. I think they’d settle down if the right woman came along,” Lizzie said. “I mean, the right woman for each of them. Not like, one damn woman for all of them.”

“So, you don’t think they’ll just share one woman for the rest of their lives?” I asked.

“Girl, this ain’t a fantasy porno,” Lizzie said. “These are four country boys with big muscles, lots of money, and a wild streak. They ain’t settlin’ down for no one, much less splittin’ one woman between all of ‘em.”

“For once, I agree with Lizzie,” Whitney said.

“I guess it’s nice to dream,” I said.

“And look. I’m a fan of the Lee brothers and all, but I know their reputations ‘round town. You ain’t been back here for real in a few years, and they’ve gotten around. They’ve shared women before,” Lizzie said.

“They have?” I asked.

“Yep. And it’s never pretty for the woman. She gets attached, they pull away. Lots of tears and drinkin’ and cussin’. It’s a whole mess. I don’t wanna see that happen to ya,” Lizzie said.

“And again, I’m with Liz,” Whitney said.

“How many women have they shared between them?” I asked.

“Of course, she’d get stuck on that detail,” Whitney said. “Are you hearing anything else Lizzie’s saying?”

“Yes, I am. I’m just thinking. They have a history of this, so that means I do have a shot with the other two brothers, right?” I asked.

“Whatever you choose to do, be careful,” Whitney said.

“I will. I promise.”

“Now, onto the next item of business. Does Hunter know any of this shit is going on?” Lizzie asked.

“Hell, no,” I said. “He’d kill me and them if he knew.”

“Then that’s even more of a reason for you to be extra careful,” Whitney said.

“If Hunter ever found out I was screwing around with his friends, he’d explode. Dallas would be nothing but a crater in the ground once he got done with it,” I said.

“You worried he might find out?” Whitney asked.

“I am now,” I said. “How do people know all this about the brothers?”

“Because them women open their big-ass mouths,” Lizzie said. “Keep ya trap shut, and ya should be okay.”

“That I can do,” I said.

“Now that we’ve unpacked the drama and lewdness of Katie’s life—Whitney! What's going on in yours?” Lizzie asked.

“Nothing nearly as exciting as what’s going on with Katie, but I did take a page out of Katie’s book.”

“Oh, hell, please tell me ya got rid of the moocher,” Lizzie said.

“Did you dump Brad?” I asked.

“I kicked his behind out the door. Finally,” Whitney said.
