Page 76 of Her Best Men

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Why the fuck did I have to say something about it?

“Katie? You already here?”

Dylan’s voice pierced through the haze of tension building in my office as Dylan’s shoes clopped across the floor.

“There you are. I thought that was your car outside,” he said. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I don’t think I’ve had enough coffee,” Katie said.

“Well, let me get ya some,” Dylan said. “Cream and sugar, like always?”

“Yes. Thank you, Dylan. That’s very kind of you,” Katie said.

Dylan looked up at me before Katie initiated a hug. The way she hugged him close and the way he wrapped his arms around her forced me to look away. I jammed my hands into my pockets and bit down on my tongue, trying to keep from making a bigger ass of myself. I’d made Katie uncomfortable. I’d done the one fuckin’ thing I didn’t need to be doing right now while she was sniffing us all out. The way she greeted Dylan was just as comfortable and inviting as how she’d greeted me, and it didn’t get any better when Caleb came walking down the hall.

“Mornin’ Katie,” Caleb said. “You’re not supposed to be in until ten today.”

“I figured I could come in and get a head start,” Katie said.

“You need anythin’?” Caleb asked. “Coffee? Some breakfast? I can have the kitchen whip ya somethin’ up.”

“You’re so kind, Caleb. But no, that’s okay. Dylan’s getting me some coffee, and I had breakfast before I came in,” Katie said.

“Well, if ya need anythin’, just come knockin’ on my office door. Ya know I’m always here,” Caleb said.

The way she smiled up at him curled my stomach. Her eyes twinkled like they had with me when she first came around into my office. It was like she felt the same way for all of us, and I was about to test my theory when I heard Wyatt booming down the damn hallway.

“Katie! Mornin’!”

“Wyatt! Hey! How are the horses doing?”

“Fed and walked. Gotta get a couple of ‘em ready for that engaged couple again,” Wyatt said.

“If they fuck up that gazebo again, you’re cleanin’ it up this time,” I said.

“I don’t even want to know,” Katie said with a grin.

Wyatt went in for a hug, and Katie hugged him close. Way too close and way too long. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and sniffed him in like I wasn’t fuckin’ there watching the two of them. Like we hadn’t just established the fact that we’d been thinking about each other all weekend.

“I missed ya this weekend,” Wyatt said.

“You saw me Friday night,” Katie said with a giggle.

“I know. I just wished I could’ve danced with you without Hunter breathin’ down our necks,” Wyatt said.

“Well, I missed you this weekend too,” Katie said.

I watched her cup his cheek as I stood up from my chair.

What the fuck was going on?

I couldn’t stay here for any more of this. My stomach was growling for breakfast, and my head was spinning with all the friendly bullshit that had just happened. I walked around from behind my desk with my hands jammed into my pockets, slid past Wyatt, and made my way to the dining hall.

But I heard the clicking of heels right behind me as I whipped around the corner.


I tried to ignore her voice, but she caught up to me and took my hand in hers.

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