Page 80 of Her Best Men

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“My goal’s always been to be a pro-bono lawyer for single mothers. Whether I partner with a foundation that helps me with funds or I get donations from companies that want to advertise with me and support me. I’ve looked into a few avenues on how lawyers really drive their costs down to meet the needs of a specific market. After watching everything my mother went through growing up, I really want to try and help as many single mothers as I can.”

“That’s a good goal ta have. That momma of yours was a mighty fine woman.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I miss her a lot.”

“You’re always gonna,” I said. “Take it from someone who knows.”

“I’m sorry. Here I am going on about my issues when you guys are—”

“Stop that right now,” I said. “Momma and Daddy died a long time ago. What happened to them wasn’t no one’s fault but their own. They were good parents, but they were partiers. And that lifestyle catches up with people after a while. They loved each other, they loved us, and they loved you.”

“I wish I could’ve been at the funeral,” she said. “But I was still in the throes of trying to recuperate from the drinking, and it was—”

“Stop, Katie. I promise ya, it’s fine. We all knew somethin’ must’a been goin’ on if ya weren’t there,” I said.


oking back, I should’ve left Michael sooner. He always thought my dream was a bit idiotic. He always teased me about getting this expensive degree then never making money with it.”

“Well, he ain’t in the picture anymore. And ya got plenty of time to get your dream back up on its feet,” I said.

“You think so?”

“I know so. You’d be amazin’ at it. Especially livin’ that kinda story. Ya know, bein’ raised by a single momma and all. Other single moms would trust ya because of that.”

I watched Katie’s eyes light up as she digested my words. I could’ve wrung that asshole’s neck for making her dreams seem stupid. What a fuckin’ bastard.


“Yeah, Caleb?”

“I wanna apologize for the other night.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“For the kiss I laid on ya in the kitchen. It was pretty forward of me, and I put you in a weird position with all the guys and your brother bein’ right out there at the bar.”

“Caleb? I’m really glad you kissed me. I was hoping you would.”

“What?” I asked.

“Yeah. We’ve always had the friendliest relationship out of everyone. You’ve seen me at my worst. Hair up in a messy pony. Teeth not brushed. I didn’t get pretty and everything to go fishing and hunting with you when we were younger. You’ve smelled me without a shower and seen me covered from head to toe in mud trying to sink a buck two hundred yards out.”

I watched Katie put her sweet tea down as she got up from her chair. She walked around her desk, her hand sliding across it. Her eyes landed on me before a cheeky little grin crossed her lips, and I could see that look growing in her eye again. That look she had when she walked toward me in the kitchen. It was a mixture of curiosity and heat, and my mind was screaming at me to take another chance. My heart was telling me to approach with caution unless I wanted to lose a good thing in my life.

But my mind was yelling at me to go for it.

I reached out for Katie’s hips and pulled her onto my lap. She laughed with delight. Her ass fell onto my thigh as her arm slid around my neck, and our eyes were level with one another as I held her close.

I felt her arms pull me closer as our lips hovered against one another. I could feel her breath pulsing on my lips as my cock began to twitch to life. I felt it pressing against the side of her leg as my arm wrapped around her body. This woman was going to be the death of me, and if I wanted a shot with her, I had to take it now.

I crashed my lips to hers and smirked when I heard her moan.



The moment his lips connected with mine I was ready for his taste. I brought my knee around and straddled him, grinding down into the girth I could feel growing against my body. Our teeth clattered together, and our lips swelled at the contact. My hands were in his hair as he pulled my blouse from my skirt, his hands rolling up the tight fabric to feel more of me.
