Page 87 of Her Best Men

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“Who are we? We’re men with feelin’s, Dylan. That’s who we are. You mean to tell me if she marched in here and proclaimed she wanted to share all of us, y’all would go back on what you really wanted just to have a piece of her?” I asked.

“Look, we’re gettin’ ahead of ourselves. We don?

?t even know what Katie wants. What’s the good in us all getting’ riled if there’s nothin’ to get riled about?” Andrew asked.

I couldn’t stay and listen to any more of this bullshit. I stormed out of Dylan’s office, plucked my keys from my pocket, and headed to my truck. I’d been in love with Katie for longer than any of them. Ever since I first saw her smash a softball all the way down the damn yard. Fuck, I must’ve been fifteen years old when I finally admitted to myself that she was the woman for me.

I’d loved that woman ever since I knew I could love women. And I wasn’t going to stand in some cramped-up room with a bunch of assholes who couldn’t love her the way I did but thought they could.

I jumped into my truck and pulled away, speeding out onto the main road. I was ready to go home, shove my face full of food, and wind the fuck down. Work wasn’t going to get done, and marketing shit was going to have to wait until tomorrow.

I needed to get my anger under control before I talked to Katie tomorrow. Because no matter what my brothers thought, she needed to know about that meeting.

Katie needed to know what was coming her way.



I was closing the front desk for the afternoon and preparing for my weekend. I felt like the guys had been tip-toeing around me all day, and I didn’t like it. Dylan had blindsided me a few days ago with that conversation, but as I took the time to think about it, I understood where he was coming from. All he had wanted to do was settle my mind and let me know they all knew. He was trying to inform me of things and reassure me that whatever decision I made would be okay.

The issue was it felt like I had to make a decision, and I couldn’t. In all my life, I could never have imagined that I would be in the middle of a mess like this. Yes, I’d wanted them all at one point in my life. Yes, I’d fantasized about being with all of them at once. But for it to actually be happening? I could hardly believe it. And now, here I was, struggling with these feelings I had no idea what to do with.

“Katie? Could I talk to ya for a second?”

I looked over at Wyatt. He was the first brother to talk to me all day about something that wasn’t work-related. I felt my heart flutter in my chest as I smiled, then I closed down the computer and locked up the rest of the station.

“Sure. What’s up? Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Could we talk somewhere private?”

It was the tone of his voice that made my stomach drop to my knees. I knew we hadn’t finished our conversation from the beginning of last week, and I was concerned he was going to ask me about my feelings again. I cared about him. I really did. But I wasn’t sure if “love” was the correct word for it yet. My heart sped up whenever I was around him, but my heart did that when I was around his brothers, too.

Would Wyatt be okay with that? Was I okay with that?

I followed Wyatt into his office and shut the door behind me. Whatever was going on in his head, I could tell it was serious. He leaned against his desk and folded his arms over his chest, showcasing the strength in his shoulders. I had to close my eyes and draw in a deep breath to keep my thoughts from clouding over with lust. His bright green eyes were studying me, and his strong jaw was clenched. I wanted him to smile at me.

But at that moment, he was serious and appeared somewhat worried.

“So, I feel like I gotta tell ya somethin’, but I’m not sure how you’re gonna take it,” he said.

“Just say it, Wyatt. We’ll go from there,” I said.

“Dylan called a meetin’ last night. After ya left work.”

“Was I supposed to stick around for this meeting? Is he upset with me?” I asked.

“No, no. Nothin’ like that. It was a meetin’ about you.”

“About me?”

“Yeah. My brothers were discussin’ what to do with everythin’ that’s—goin’ on with all of us.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“We all know you’ve slept with all of us. Dylan was tryin’ to figure out how to approach ya with it. But I felt like it was wrong to slap ya upside the head with somethin’ like that.”

“Honestly? I’m not sure how I feel about you guys having a meeting about me, but I get why it happened.”
